Part 2

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The next day Mickey and kev were out trying to steal stuff that they can sell. They were on top of one of the stores little huts when heard yelling Mickey looked over and saw a man clearly drunk and saw some guy yelling at him who seemed to be trying to get something out of the man. I was about to leave and wish that drunk idiot the best but then I saw his face, and holy fuck did he have a nice face and he was a red head definitely Mickey's type! Mickey was just staring at the man mesmerized when he saw the other guy throw a punch and the redhead and Mickey jump down and started running over to save the handsome drunk man, "HEY!!!"

After I jump down from the wall I pull the rope down and stash it in my bag and go through a ally way. I see a building with a open door and walk inside with nothing better to do. When I walk in it was a bar something Ian has never been to. He was extremely excited. A few hours go by and he's at the bar drinking and by this point he's full in drunk. He was about to walk out when the bartender said "hey you gunna pay for that?!?!" "Pay?......... for what" Ian said slurring his words. "For the hundreds of drinks you just pounded!!!" The man yelled and call the security guards. Ian didn't really know what the hell was going on but he knew he had to get the fuck out of there! He ran out the front door barely still standing , he was chased down the market place and tripped over air. He manage to pick himself up but the men were now surrounding him and he was still a little( a lot) drunk. The men were yelling at him when all of a sudden she was hit in the face and fell to the ground. He was now bleeding and holding his face when he heard "HEY!!!! STAY THE FUCK BACK!" Things where still pretty blurry for Ian put he did see a man with raven black hair fighting off the guys, Ian was stareing at the man as he kicked the other guys ass's.

As the last guy fell to the floor Mickey look down to see the red head wide-eyed looking at him, he blushed a little. "come on man let's go pick yourself up!" He reached out his had for the taller boy to take it.

Ian got up and was still a little woozy and was about to say thanks when he heard someone shout "IT THOSE GUYS RIGHT THERE!!" "Oh shit we gotta run!" The shorter man said and grabbed Ian's and and took off

Yo umm I hope you like it this is my first fanfic I plan on finishing I'll do my best to post 1 a day and I hope you like!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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