Chapter 1

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"Why is it always so hot here?" Liv asked the castle staff who were sent to pick her up at the train station.

"Are these all your bags, ma'am?" the serviceman asked her.

"Yes, just the two," Liv replied. "I figured I could borrow one of Emarlia's old things if I need to. There aren't any royal balls or dinners planned while I'm visiting, are there?"

"Not to my knowledge, ma'am," the serviceman answered.

"Thank Ganyavdo for that," Liv said under her breath.

Liv followed the servicemen through the crowd on the platform to the carriage waiting outside the station. A wave of relief overcame her when she saw the carriage had a roof to shield her from the beating sun.

While the staff put her luggage on the cart in the back, Liv climbed into the carriage where she was ambushed with a hug from her best friend, Emarlia. "I'm so happy you're finally here!" Emarlia cheered.

"I'll be glad too once I get used to the climate," Liv replied. Liv had grown up in the Realm of Vearea, a realm where it was always frigid and snowing.

"It's not even hot today," Emarlia laughed. Emarlia had grown up in the Realm of Echaria, a realm where it was always sunny and warm

"How are things?" Liv asked Emarlia. "You seem more bubbly than usual."

"Really good," Emarlia replied. "I'll tell you more over lunch." Emarlia gave Liv a quick look, and Liv caught on that there were too many ears around for Emarlia to talk about something.

"How is your family?" Liv switched topics.

"Good," Emarlia said and smiled. "My brother Gisedo finally came out as gay. We pretended to act surprised, but of course we all knew. He's pretty bad at keeping secrets and he clearly had a crush on his literature tutor for the longest time. We're happy for him and supportive of course."

"That's nice," Liv replied.

"How are things with you?" Emarlia asked.

"Nothing really new at home," Liv replied. "My dad Radko got commissioned to paint a mural in the Prime Minister's Office. My other dad, Vinn, doesn't want him to do it. He doesn't think it's safe with everything going on with the attempted assassination, but that was months ago and things are more stable now."

"Do you think he'll do the painting for the Prime Minister?" Emarlia asked.

"I hope he does," Liv replied. "We could use the money."

"Do you think your dad would be willing to paint one something for my mother?" Emarlia asked. "Her birthday is soon and I want to get her something different."

"He'd probably faint on the spot that someone wants him to paint something for the Queen of Echaria's birthday, but I'm sure he'd love the opportunity," Liv told her.

"Can I send a letter to him with yours next time you write him then?" Emarlia asked.

"Of course," Liv replied. "I'm planning on writing to them that I arrived in Echaria safely as soon as we get to the palace."

"Well that's going to have to wait because we're not going directly to the palace," Emarlia said as a grin appeared on her face.

"Where are you taking me?" Liv asked.

"To the beach for a picnic," Emarlia revealed and smiled.


"No, carry it like this," Giorretto told Atton as he helped him balance the bar with buckets full of water hanging from it on his shoulders.

Part 1: Slow Burn (The Four Realms Collection)Where stories live. Discover now