You get off bus with her. You walk in and then she turns on Metallica and blasts it if you were a normie you wouldn't be used to it, but you ain't no normie. You to eat, snacks , and jam out to music. It gets late but you call your mom and say you'll be over somebody's house. For some reason your mom agrees and hangs up. You get sleepy so Cassandra hands you a shirt it's bigger than your size so it's like pajamas this is what she gave you..
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She says you look cute in it since it's oversized, you blush. She asks you if you want to watch a scary movie. You hate scary movies but your at sleep over you don't want to be a psy. You agree, she lets out a sigh of relief she says that she thought you were gonna say no. You laugh. It's been 2 hours, you end Up in Cassandra's arms, apparently you fell asleep in them. She turns around and blushes, you ask her what happened. She turns back around and says you fell asleep. You sit up and lay on her shoulder and watch the rest. You guys fall asleep you wake up and she's holding you but you don't really care. Photo 1 <3 (this is Cassandra)
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You forget it's Saturday your mom is at work so you can't go home. So you have to stay longer but you don't care.