Since you didn't bring clothes you have to wear something of Cassandra's. ( this is Cassandra's POV) "god don't give her something ugly I'll make her wear something fucking adorable. ( end of POV) Cassandra hands you something from a closet this is what she gives you.
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She says how she dosent wear it anymore, she stares at you for a second. Then continues she says how you can take a shower and she hands you a towel. You take the towel to the bathroom and start to take a shower. She walks in to give you the clothes. She walks out very quickly. You take a long shower Cassandra was leaning against the door so when you opened it she fell surprisingly you caught her. She blushes then turns around and mumbles Thank you. You get a little mad and say guys go for ice cream later ( it's 12:00 pm) you guys are swinging On the swings, a man grabs you by the arm you think he is drunk. Cassandra dislikes that clearly she grabs you by the waist, grab her gun and tells that man to fuck off. He runs screaming to walk from the park, you suggest that you and Cassandra should give each other pet names. She says she will you call you princess, you end up calling her blade she likes it. You guys reach your house Cassandra says bye and starts to walk to hers. You don't care knowing that you guys are going to get on call very soon.