Blade/ Cassandra: hey princess~
Y/N: Hey blade wanna play C.O.D
Blade: sure princess
Y/N: ok call me
Blade: *aggressive screaming*
Y/N: why are you screaming.
Blade: *hmph* fuck this game
Y/N: you died huh?
Blade: yea, was it so obvious
Y/N: (sarcasm) no not really.
Blade: that was pure sarcasm.
Y/N: I know
( they are done playing games)
Blade: princess wanna do a all nighter
Y/N: I guess so.
(You hear a boom but your mom left a hour ago) you hear waking. You go into your closet and lock it. You whisper there is somebody in my house.
Blade: I'm on my way.
Y/N: NO it's to-
Blade: hangs up.
(Blade / Cassandra's POV)
(So basically your blade/ Cassandra rn) you jump up and grab your gun from the closet. You put on shoes and run so fast like you are about to die. You second guess yourself but then you go with your first decision. You keep running you soon get to Y/n's you bust open the door after screaming "WHO THE FUCK IS IN HERE" then comes out a man with a black ski mask you take your chance and shoot. Suddenly you hear a thud and someone jumps ontop of you, your vision is blurred for you second. You open your eyes you see it's Y/N . You say get off of me princess!
(Back to Y/N's POV 😼😼)
You apologize and jump off she asks who did you think she was. You responded saying I still thought it was you, you talk about how you thought you were going to die. She says you weren't going to. She tells you to grab your clothes your going over. You tell her how you didn't ask your mom. She says how she doesn't care and how this is a even better place for robbers. You guys forgot about the dead body on the floor. You just step over it I mean they did rob you. You run upstairs and grab clothes, but you want to wear Cassandra's clothes so you don't grab them. You grab your phone and charger and run to Cassandra she tells you to get on her back and you do. Cassandra runs out the door and all the way to her house. You like how strong she is.