Talk of the Town

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The clicking of spurs echoed throughout the abandoned town as the masked cowboy made his way down the road. The brim of his hat aided in his disguise, shielding him from the sun, though the light still hit his belt, the buckle glinting with each heavy footstep the man took. He paused as another cowboy stepped out into view, standing just ahead of the masked stranger. Even with the distance between the two men, the tension was steadily rising, each warily studying the other.

"So, ya finally showed up, McCree...?" the not-so-newcomer spat out in a thick, western accent. Quite literally, he did spit, right into a pot that rested on a too-faraway porch. The so-called McCree grinned, taking out the cigar that miraculously appeared in his mouth and flicking it gently, the ashes blowing away in the wind.

"Well," he started, in the same thick accent. "Just takin' my time to admire the scenery. It's quite the fine day we got on our hands." He flung the cigar away, watching as it disappeared into the burning sun. "Don'tcha think so, partn-" He gripped onto his hat as the wind started to whiz past the two, causing his opponent's hat to fly off. He looked up, his eyes growing wide as he was frozen in pure awe at the handsome devil that stood before him. He opened his mouth to say something, though all that came out was the chiming of a clock, the second cowboy whipping out his gun and firing right into McCree's chest.

He stumbled back at first, gripping onto the bullet wound which he thought to be bleeding, however, once uncovering it, he fell back at the louder chiming of the same alarm. He was quick to cover his ears, groaning at the pestering noise as he writhed on the dusty ground he laid against. Looking up, his handsome opponent suddenly towered over him, his face slowly morphing into someone all to familiar to McCree...


"Jesse!!" a loud voice suddenly yelled, his sheer volume yanking Jesse McCree out of dreamland and back into the real world. His eyes snapped open as he shot up, wincing and leaning back as his forehead collided with the man's who was leaning over him. He did the same as Jesse, the two gripping their foreheads with their eyes squeezed shut, grumbling a curse in Spanish.

"Hey! Watch where you aim that thing, you could give someone a concussion!" Gabriel Reyes, Jesse's father, teased. The man rubbed his shaved head, huffing as he turned off Jesse's alarm for him, the noise starting to annoy him. "C'mon, get dressed, we're gonna be late." He turned and left the room without another word, already dressed, himself, wearing his all-black outfit, something Jesse liked to call his 'Outfit of Doom'.

Jesse rubbed at his eyes as he watched him leave, stretching with a yawn and scratching at the stubble that rested upon his chin. Pushing himself up, he walked past all of the western movie posters strewn about his walls and headed into his flannel-filled closet, getting himself ready for school. After tugging on a sleeveless flannel over his black beater, he sat himself back onto his bed, stepping into his cowboy-like boots and tucking his jeans into them.

"Jesse, c'mon!" his father yelled from downstairs, causing the boy to sigh.

"I'm comin'!" he yelled back, his western accent thick as ever. He hopped up, snatching his bag and slinging it over his shoulder as he jogged out of the room, stopping himself from grabbing the cowboy hat that was resting on his nightstand. "We're not late just yet, so why are ya rushin' me?" He made his way downstairs, glancing at Gabe as the man adjusted the red tie around his neck.

"We might not be late yet, but with the drive we have to take, we definitely can be," he retorted, giving his son a look as he watched him snatch an apple from the counter and take a bite out of it. "Now, c'mon." He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, much like Jesse had done with his own, grabbing his coat and keys from the rack that hung by the front door. "I'm sure your girlfriend is already waiting for you." He grinned as he opened up the door, feeling the glare that Jesse gave the back of his head.

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