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"You and I both knew how this would end," she venomously spoke. "So why do you keep thinking that there would ever be something between us?"

It was bittersweet; her love for him. One day she would be all over him, peppering his face with kisses, and telling him how much she loved him, and the next, she'd scream the most hateful and snide things to him, in hopes that he would let go of her. And what about him? Well, he loved her whole-heartedly through and through (in some complicated way).

"Just come inside," he reached out to her, hand beckoning her over. She looked at his extended hand reaching out to her, before glancing up at his face with a pained expression. Her arms were hugged around her body in an attempt to gain some bit of warmth from the biting wind. "I can't-I can't keep pretending that it never happened,"

"I can't go back to how it use to be- like you can."

His outstretched hand faltered for a second, almost considering her words to be truthful. He'd seen this happening at one point or another but never had he fathomed he'd be so speechless after going through the scenario so many times in his head. It was a complete mistake, a mistake that shouldn't have gone on so long. It wasn't fair for her.

She let out a dry scoff that took up the silence completely, "See! Even you know it's true." Bitter was everything she was when they fought, he'd never been able to fight against her burning words, but he wouldn't blame her after what he did. Her eyes raked up his body in disgust, disgusted with the person he'd become; the one that she brought out of him. Of course, she felt guilty, but guilt swarmed his eyes much more. He'd hurt her, the girl that didn't bat an eye towards anyone nor anything; the girl that he chased like a lost puppy at one point. She stood there waiting for a response to which none seemed to prevail from his mouth. Throwing up her hands in the air, she leaned down to unbuckle her heels from her aching feet. "Whatever,"

"I'm done. This- everything- just all of it," "It was a mistake." She struggled with her words, face heating up from the anger that consumed her entire being.

Stepping out of her heels and picking them up from the sidewalk, she looked back up at his sunken form for what may be the last time she ever would. "It's ironic, you know? I thought I had you wrapped around my finger-" "I thought that you'd be the one falling for me-" she let out a sharp chuckle. "But it was the other way around."

Still, no words came out from his mouth, no matter how much his heart ached for him to call out to her- to tell her to stay. His body was frozen, he felt like a spectator watching everything fall apart from above.

She gave him a small nod, a sad smile playing on her lips, as she finally turned around and made her way down the empty street with heels in hand. He wouldn't chase after her, not this time. Part of him wished things had played differently; that he had all his cards in front of him, but life wasn't like that. Life would go on, and one day, he'd forget about this brief entanglement he had with her, hopefully. But to be truthful, he never wanted to forget any of it.

As he watched her retreating form, he cried for what felt like the first time in weeks. This wasn't how it should have ended. No, it was supposed to end with her in his arms, forgiving all the exchanges they had in the past weeks that left them feeling awful. He'd tell her how much he loved her, they'd be in each other's life for however long they would live; and he'd be happy. So happy.

But, he'd have to live with his decisions just as she would with hers, because life wasn't fair like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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