Chapter 11♡Friends?

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~3 months later~


Eleanor sprinted towards the library without minding her surrounding.

"Hey brat watch where you're going!" Paula snapped while Rory glared.

She just scoffed and continued her way to the library wondering why her past never leaves her alone because when she left highschool, she thought she'd left everything behind but guess never lets her go...

~Flash back~

Eleanor jumped with joy as soon as she got a letter from Autumn ville university that she was accepted but was offered a scholarship too. She informed Noah who also joined the same university. That day Noah and his mother Lia were surprised to see Eleanor's excited happy side and wished she could stay like that.

The next day she gladly entered the university not minding being called a fresh man as long as she's there but her happiness doesn't last long always because she saw a familiar silhoutte..actually two and her smile dropped.

"Look who it is," one whispered before turning to face her. "Well well well, if its not our dear Eleanor." They'd joined the same university too..what a coincidence!

"Shut it Paula," she seethed, "You too Rory."
"Well, you're always a loser!" Rory shouted a lame remark but Eleanor ignored her.

With that she walked away the ecstatic feeling gone.

'May be I'll never be happy,' she stared at the sky sadly, 'not with the bad things I did in the past.'

~End of flash back~

Eleanor sighed continuosly still in thoughts until she felt a tag on the book she has getting from the shelf. She frowned then pulled the book but it seemed someone wanted the same book yet she got it first.

"What the..Elly?" Derek appeared with a frown.



"I got the book first," she crossed her arms.

"No I got it first," Derek argued, "You were busy day dreaming while I got the book."

She looked at him her eye brow raised, "We're friends, right?"

"Uh..yeah?" he looked confused.

"Well, friends share," she snatched the text book from his hand, "and they say ladies first so would you excuse me."

It was Derek's turn to gape at her amused that he didn't know he was smiling until he saw her icy blue eyes staring at him intently. "You have a nice smile," she whispered. "Thanks," he smiled wider.

The two stood there then Derek's heart started racing...why? He's never got attention from a lady before..he's not gay but he's never given heed to relationships and attraction...whatsoever.

"Ahem," someone brought them out of trance only to see Noor standing there on the verge of laughter with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Guys don't forget this is library."

Derek blushed a little while massaging his chest to stop the heart beats. He didn't understand why he's feeling this way so he shook his head.

'Lord guide me not to sin...Elly is trouble,' he didn't know he'd voiced out his thoughts until he heard a gasp and met Eleanor's eyes that displayed hurt and...betrayal? He wasn't sure but her expression hurt him too.

"Good thing you've figured it out yourself," she said harshly, "That I'm nothing but trouble. Have a good day Noor." She walked away silently. What did she even expect? Of course she's trouble, she's bad news, she's a bad person.

She sat on the campuss bench deep in thoughts and didn't notice new presence near her until a voice spoke startling her.

"Ouch!" Noah rubbed his shoulder after she slapped him, "What was that for?"

"I thought you love me," she snapped not looking at him, "but you hate me enough to startle me to death." she said jockingly smiling at him.

He also burst into laughter glad he got to see her smile again. Eleanor rarely smiled but when she did, Lia and Noah wished she didn't stop.

The two conversed while they laughed forgeting their surrounding.

'Atleast I have Noah,' she thought sadly glacing at him. The looked into each other's eyes silently while Noah slowly leaned in but she turned away as a sign of rejection. She saw a glimpse of hurt on his face but she couldn't return his feelings because he saw him as a brother, nothing more.



He frowned in confusion when Noor glared at him while they studied. Eleanor left the library and she didn't return. Derek wasn't sure what angered her but hoped she's alright.


"Don't ask me what?" Noor snapped surprising him a little because she's never used that tone before..not with him.

"What did I do?"

Noor palmed her face. "You had to go after her."


"Ya Allah put sense in your boy," she looked up,"You don't get it do you?"

"Nope," he really looked clueless.

"Derek, you hurt Eleanor's feelings," she stated.


"Ya Allah," Noor groaned, "You said she's trouble and by the way I see it...she has feelings for you and you hurt her by your words."

"Wait what?!" Derek eyes widened but he shook his head disagreeing, "No no it can't be. We're just friends," he glanced outside while Noor silently watched him, "she's with Noah." he whispered as if talking to himself.

"If I were you, I'd apologise," she intervened, "but I'm not so go to her...even though you don't feel that way for her... you're her friend and friends apologise."

"When did you get so smart?" this time she scowled.

"Don't you do jokes?" he mimicked her but she pushed him away.

"Shh! This is a library,!" a guy whispered and they rolled their eyes before Derek dashed to look for Eleanor.

He found her laughing with Noah. They seemed to be having a good time and she seemed okay. The sight of the two caused an ache in his chest. Derek didn't understand why it was there but he slowly clutched his chest trying to stop the ache.

"Derek?" a voice called... Elly, "Are you ok?" those icy blue eyes stared in his but with concern, for him.

"Hmm..yeah, yeah I'm fine," he stood properly.
, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," she smiled, "I was being dramatic." She brushed it off.

"Hey man," Noah stood next to her and Derek nodded in reply before leaving the two there.

'There're happy...together.'


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I hope i'm not boring you guys. Thank you all that read my books God bless you all!

Luv u all! MUAH♡♥!

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