Chapter 13♡Twins?!

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A week went by while Nicholas persuaded Eleanor's doople ganger to meet her so they planned to meet at Deacon's restuarant.

"You'll be alright amigo," Noah squeezed her shoulder gently.

"I hope so."

It didn't take long before Nicholas entered the restaurant with a petite lady behind her. He glanced about the room before his gaze met them.

Noah gasped, "Mama mia." while the ladies stiffened looking at each other but to them it felt like looking in the mirror.

"Guys this is the doople ganger-" Nick was cut off.

"Bluebell?" Eleanor's voice cracked.

"Eleanor?" Bluebell's eyes welled up with tears, "Is it really you?"

"If you're the flower I know, then it's really me," Eleanor smiled while tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Whoa whoa there I don't mean to interrupt this reunion," Nicholas stated, "You guys know each other?"

"Yes silly," Bluebell smiled, "We're twins."

"What!" Noah's eyes widened.

"I didn't know Eleanor can play tricks," Nick looked shocked but angry at the same time, "So cut the crap ms. White!" This caused other customers to look at them weirdly so Noah pulled them outside.

"We're sorry!" he said before closing the door.

"We're twins Nick but we were separated when we were young," Bluebell started...

~6 years ago~

Eleanor sprinted inside the house only to find her twin Bluebell on the floor unconscious thus calling their parents.

When they went to the hospital, Bluebell was diagonised with a heart disease. This worried the family so much especially Eleanor.

One night, they heard their parents arguing and eavesdropped but later wished they didn't.

"You can't do this to me," they saw their mamma on the floor weeping while their papa's back faced her.

"I have to," he stated, "I warned you about emotions. I told you this affair was just for pleasure but you decided to fall for me."

The two girls gasped in shock while they hid the door. "Then if it's just for pleasure why do you always return?" their mamma spat and he hesitated, "For my children."

"Next time don't return," she seethed, "I don't want false hope so leave this instant!"

"Don't worry this was my last night here anyway," he stated nonchalantly, "but I'm leaving with them." As soon as that left his mouth, Eleanor felt the urge to attack him but Bluebell stopped her.

'Don't,' she whispered while her eyes teared up. Never in their life did they imagine to be a result of an affair. They always thought their parents were in love.

"You can't take them away from me," their mom stood up frantically blocking him from heading to their room.

"They're my children too," he spat pushing her away accidentally hitting the table. That forced Eleanor to leave their hide-out shocking the parents.

"Don't you dare touch our mamma!" she screamed when he tried to help her stand.

"I'm sorry I did'nt mean-"
"Shut up!" Eleanor shouted, "You wanted to leave now go but know one thing that neither me nor Blue are coming with you for we are just a result of an 'affair'" she spat causing him to flinch.

"Mamma are you alright?"
she smiled sadly at her slumping in the small couch.

"Blue?" their mamma called, "Bluebell!" the girl fell on the ground and fainted. They rushed her to the hospital and the doctor warned them not to stress her.

Their papa had money and was already married to another woman who was unfortunately barren so he had looked for kids elsewhere.
"Mamma I'll go with papa," Bluebell whispered softly.

"I love you sweety. I always will," their mamma cried caressing her platinum blonde hair. Immediately they headed to their papa's house after being discharged.

Eleanor cried and promised her they'll meet again. She stayed with their mamma while Bluebell stayed with their father in his marriage...

~End of flash back~

"What a di-" Eleanor covered Nicholas' mouth.

"We don't need you to curse."

"Oh my God Lean," Noah pulled her into a hug, "I didn't know you went through that as a kid."

"I'm fine now," her voice cracked.

"I'm glad we met," Bluebell hugged her too while they sobbed.

"Can I meet mamma?" she whispered and Eleanor broke down more.

"Mamma is no more."

"Oh Elly," she soothed her back, "I wasn't there for you."

"You're here now," she strained a smile, "nothing can separate us now."

"So what's going on between you two?" Bluebell gestured at Noah.

"Oh my gosh nothing!" Eleanor laughed this time genuinely, "we're just friends."

"I see," Bluebell stated skeptically,"Any how I'm glad we met again...papa's no more too."

"Did that witch torture you?"

"No don't call her that," Bluebell frowned, "she's been good to me like her own daughter."

"That's good then," she said, "I still can't believe it's you."

"Uh guys?" Noah's voice reached out.

"This is a dream," Nicholas kept mumbling to himself until Bluebell cupped his cheek shocking him more by hugging him.

"Thank you for helping me find my family." he was speechless so he only hugged her back.

Eleanor never knew she would see her twin again but here she was hugging her boring friend Nicholas.

'I hope Derek will like her,' she thought.


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