Chapter 15♡ Love

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Have you ever hated someone for no reason? Thats what Derek was feeling at the moment. 'Why Noah?'

'Why these stupid feelings?'

'Why do I feel guilt?'

'Well, its because you've decided to do things your way..' that voice whispered in his head making him feel more guilt. He sat on his bed then glanced at his bible feeling like reading it at the same time not...ugh!

Recently, he felt far from God because prayers decreased, attention in church decreased and reading the bible was no longer on his daily schedule, why?

He was giving toll on his feelings rather than doing whats right.

But then again he didn't choose to feel this way for Eleanor. May be they're holding hands, may be enjoying themselves, may be even ki- wait what!

Derek shook his head and pushed away those thoughts before heading to the bathroom to clean himself.
He wondered how Noor was in Mumbai in her unwanted marriage, any way God has a plan for her....

'Which means he has a plan for you too.'

That voice whispered again causing him to sigh in defeat because it was right...may be they weren't meant to be.

He drove his car towards church since they had youth bible study meetings every Tuesday with hope to get an answer for his dilemma.


"Good afternoon everyone," the preachor of the day stood at the alter. She's called Mercy and from what Derek knows she's a friend to his twin Victoria.

"Good afternoon," they replied in unison. The group contained twenty people and they all sat in the small room built next to the church.

"Today's sermon is coming from the book of 1st Corinthians 13:4-7

1 Corinthians:13.4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

1 Corinthians:13.5
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs'

Derek thought for a minute then felt guilt because he was envious of Noah..dear God. He supported his head in his hands feeling shame.
He made a silent prayer asking for forgiveness.

'1 Corinthians:13.6
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.'

'1 Corinthians:13.7
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.'

'Lord help me love, I ask you to take away this envy from me Father. I thank you for today's sermon and I know you were trying to tell me something. I'm glad I didn't miss your message.
I ask you to help me cope up with whatever I'm feeling, let it not lead me into sin. In Jesus' name I pray and believe, Amen.' Derek made a silent prayer before the group meeting ended and they set off.

While walking, he saw an old friend then a smile made its way on his face.

'Well, I guess today isn't bad after all.'

"Oh my God Derek is that you!" the lady exclaimed happily pulling him for a hug.

"Long time no see Bluebell," he hugged her back happily.

"When did you come back to town?" he asked.

"Well, last month," she looked down guiltly.

"And I thought we were friends"

"Hey I lost your number," Bluebell defended herself, "Good things happened lately thank the Lord."

"Were in today's youth meeting?"

"Hmm and it was great," she smiled then he observed her silently.

'Why does she look familiar?' he thought, 'well, we're friends but... she resembles someone-'

His thoughts are cut off, "Do I have something on my face?"

"No..not really," he replied softly, "you remind me of someone."

"Well, I get that a lot," she smiled warmly.

"We could go out and talk because its been long since we saw each other," Derek stated.

"When was it again?"

"Highschool graduation."

"Yeah..I would also want you to meet someone," Bluebell stated excited, "it'll blow your mind."

"Why is that?"

"It's a secret. I want to see your face," she said before blushing.

"Uh huh..I wonder who it is," he teased then she slapped his hand slightly before giving her a lift.

He parked infront of a hotel then she got out.

"Thanks for the lift."

"So we'll hang out on Saturday?"

"Yeah totally. See you then!"

"Bye!" he drove off.


Eleanor was from a glocery store and saw a lady exiting a car that resembled Derek's causing her to feel bad.

'Stupid emotions,' she headed towards her dorm and found her roommate Joy reading the bible causing her to roll her eyes.


"You think I'm crazy right?" Joy asked with a hint of amusement.

"Uh..I didn't say anything."

"Well, you showed something," Joy stated not angry though which confused Eleanor more.

"I was once you," she started, "hating God and Jesus stuff feeling its nonsense until one day when I survived death and realised He exists and has something special for my life since then that hole that I had in my heart was filled."

"Anyone can survive death," Eleanor claimed nonchalantly.

"It was miraculous," Joy reasoned.

"Any way I'll rest a bit because I'm tired," she lay on her bed.

"Pray before you sleep," Joy called out.

"Whatever," Eleanor huffed but felt guilt for being rude to her. If God exists, then she knew she's not on the list of His children for what she did in the past..even she can't forgive herself then who can?' With that, slumber took over her.


Hey lovelies! So what do you think about my book? Didn't expect Bluebell to know Derek? Well I wanted it to be ca boom!!

Is it boring? or gripping?
Well, I want you to know I'm trying my best as Christian to share His goodness through my books.

Please don't forget to vote n comment. Thank you all.

At the end of the book I would like to know what your favourite part was while reading.
Thank you again. God bless lovelies.


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