Battle of Fate

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The day is here, the day of the battle, one to decide the fate of the world.

Asta eats breakfast as Noelle sits next to him as he enjoys his meal, Noelle looks at him and messes with his ash hair

"Oh bakasta, you better come back here safely" She says as she kisses his cheek as he smiles

"Don't worry, we'll all be back here in one piece." He says with a smile, as deep in his mind, he prepares for the worst to come.

He kisses Noelle goodbye as he kisses her bump too, before leaving to meet with the others

They all meet in front of the base.

There stands Yami, Nozel, Leopold, Zoro and Sasuke all ready for battle as Asta stands there smiling

"It's time" He says as he makes a portal that leads to the spot where theye gonna meet up with Yuno, but he's in for a huge surprise.....

As they all jump through the portal, they see Yunos group already battling the forces of the Akatsuki

"Come help over here! They expected us to come!" Kai yells as he battles as Asta and everyone come in to help

They all begin to fight as Asta feels something unsettling, like this is a......

"ITS A TRAP!" Asta yells as it seems almost too late


A huge blast of energy rockets towards them as Itachi and Sasuke raise their susanoos and use them to absorb the impact

It lands and it's a huge explosion, Madara clearly isn't pulling his punches as it seems like a meteor just smashed into earth, sending shockwaves throughout the area.

When the dust settles, Sasuke and Itachi both bearly stand with their Susasnoo's almost destroyed as they stand almost defeated

"Just one attack" Kai says as he grips his sword and looks up to see Madara floating towards them

"I knew when Kai and Itachi both went missing, something must've happened, either they betrayed us or they got information extracted from them, either way it wasn't too hard to predict you'd come to us" Madara says landing down on the ground in front of them

"You're the basted behind all of this?" Yami says readying his sword as Madara laughs

"And what if i am?" he says as his eyes grow a bright purple

"Oh, and speaking, i have a present for you all" Madara says with a sick grin as he backs up and cuts his hand open with knife on his waist


Madara claps his hands as black lighting starts to come out of it and going into the ground, making the earth around them to shake

3 coffins rise up, out of the ground, they open to reveal a shocked look from everyone, especially Asta

In all of their glory, Dante, Zenon and Vanica walk out of their coffins with pitch black eyes and ripped clothes from their battles

Madaras arm, the one he cut and sacrificed slowly fades away as it's replaced with his wood magic

"I-impossible" Asta says as he backs up in a cold sweat, remembering everything about them as Dante smiles

"Well well, i never knew we meet again boy" Dante says with a laugh as he approaches them as he looks at his limbs

"Amazing, i feel as good as new" He says as he looks at his siblings coming out too

"Ahhhhh that was a long dip into Hell" Vanica says with a grin as Zenon moves around

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