The True King

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Asta stares down Madara as he grits his teeth

"It doesn't matter if you have the strongest demon in you, i'll still beat you!" Madara yells in a roar as he charges star magic in his hand as he throws a compacted ball of energy towards Asta


The attack comes at insane speeds towards Asta as he smiles.


Everything begans to slow down as seconds turn into minutes for Asta, he sees the ball of energy coming towards him as he simply moves out of the way from it


Time returns back to normal as Madaras attack flys by Astas head and explodes in the background in a blaze of glory as everyone looks at the newly powered Asta

"Now Madara and Mephistopheles, allow me to show you the power of a true king." Asta says as he begans to shout another spell


Asta flys towards Madara as he still can't believe the situation he's in

"Hey liebe! this is like those manga we red, you know the one with the vampire guy?" Asta says as Liebe pops up on his shoulder

"Oh you mean uhhh dia or something like that... OH DIO!" liebe says remembering the manga he and Asta red together as they laugh

"It was jojos normal adventures right?" He says with a giggle as he comes up with a idea

"Hey hey watch this" Asta says as he resumes time quickly as he appears in front of Madara and kicks him back to Madaras surprise

"How did yo-"


Time stops again as Asta and Liebe crack up at the Dio joke they just made as Astaroth sits irritated in his mind

"BOY DID YOU NOT FORGET ABOUT THE BATTLE" Astaroth says mad as Asta remembers it

"Oh yeah hol-" Asta begans to say as he feels a cramp in his body as time returns back to normal

"Fuck! my body" Asta says as it tenses up with cramps as Astaroth speaks

"I should've known, your body needs to get used to my time magic first, it puts a great strain on your body" He says as Asta nods as he faces down Madara as he rises back up

"Back in your place yet?" Asta says as he holds his demon destruction sword in his hand

Madara stands furious, he won't be defeated and embarrassed this easily, not now not ever



Madaras power shoots up again as Asta begans to regain his steps

"So no more time magic for a bit huh" Asta says as he gets ready to fight Madara as Madara is overtaken by the black mana all over his body


Asta shoots towards Madara with greater speed then before as he swings his sword down, cutting Madaras cheek in the process

"Not bad" Madara says as reaches for Astas sword and grabs it as Asta lets go of it to Madaras surprise


The demon dweller sword flys out to him as he swings and hits Madara and retrieves his other sword and returns it to his grimore

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