first two of its kind

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It was already night everyone are already sleeping, resting after the long journey

Luth can't sleep so he left aber on their room

As luth walk down the stairs he would see the male owner of the inn

"Can't sleep sir?" He ask luth with a smile

"Yeah, I'll just sleep later on" luth would walk towards the make inn keeper "can I?" He ask him if he can sit beside him

"Sure do"

With that word luth would sit beside the inn keeper, the inn keeper would then pour ale for luth

"That for you sir, free of charges"

"Thanks" luth would take a sip to his ale "so, I was really not expecting that you.. uhh"

"Living with a human female and settling down with her?"

"Yeah, that, so how did it all happen?" Luth asked curiously

"Well, you see sir, im one of the soldiers dispatch here in amblecrown to live and help on defending this place from the enemy.. at first we are not welcomed by some local, that is why now you see, there's a part of town that is reserve to us"

"Mhm... This town is magnificent though, I've been looking around and Im seeing humans and drunitians alike, mingling with each other"

"Haha, isn't it fun for you sir? You are a human but you fought along side us, grew up with drunitians"

"Yes, I am genuinely happy that drunitians and humans are starting to let go of the hate, well in this place that is.. some places still needs help, so yeah,  about your wife"

"Oh..hahaha, well my wife and I met when I just got in this place, she is the only person taking care of this inn, a strong independent woman... She doesn't trust drunitians though and is against us, for a while.. I didn't really expect to fall in love to her, it's just.. happens, slowly we gain each other's trust.. and then.. we decided to live together, I even leave being a soldier and just settling down with her here"

"That is very touching"

"What about you sir? Surely you'll have someone in drunitia that you are interested"

"Well..I do have someone in mind.. a strong willed drunitian woman, she's is fun and elegant, but has a hidden goofiness inside her" luth said, talking about Ariana "sometimes I'm scared what would people think, I'm a human and she's a drunitian.. I know there's some that won't accept us"

"Hahaha .. well maybe some humans won't.. but I don't think drunitians won't accept, you are luth kincade, the faceless drunitian knight that defeated the summoned hero in battle"

"Hahaha.. I guess so.." he just stop, since saying more might get him and Ariana in trouble

"Just don't be scare sir, if you really like this woman, then go for it in sure it would work out"

The two would talk more until luth decides to sleep


The next day everyone would travel to the adventurers guild, and will register the two drunitian in the group as adventurers so they can start the journey

Once in the adventurer guild everyone is looking at them

Luth would approach the counter and meet mirial the elf guild girl "Hey mirial it's been a long time isn't it"

Mirial will look "luth! It really is been a while, how can I help you", Mirial then would notice the two drunitian with them "oh, I get it now, the queen personally ask to let this happen so I already know, drunitians who wants to be adventurers shall be given adventurers I.D and rank so let's begin"

Aloandra and aber would start to fill out papers and with that, the two are officially the first two drunitian adventurers

Mirial then smiles "now that's done, maybe your group can take a quest"

"Hmm.. alright then, we should take a qu-"

"Halt, luth kincade"

The group would look back to see a woman with a big shield on her back, it was kath prescote, a high ranking adventurer, she is now working for queen eliza amblecrown

"Kath, it's been a long time, what is it?"

"Before your group leave and do some quest, you should visit the queen, she's asking for your group in the castle"

Luth would sigh "well, I can't say no to that, alright then"

The group would then follow kath to the castle of amblecrown to meet queen eliza


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