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One luth and his group return he Immediately call everyone to gather around to talk about what is happening in Rhaodia

"That's is horrible" said Aloandra after hearing what the spear hero do to the hammer hero haruna

"It is! It's disgusting! I can't believe he force me to like him using that special ability of his! Next time we meet I'll beat his ass up!"

"So what are we going to do now nya?" Ask felyna while looking at the acting leader of the group luth

"Well, we can just leave this place and go to the next kingdom to negotiat.. but"

"You can't just let the spear hero do what he like? That's what you're thinking aren't you?" Said kurumi

"Yeah, but that won't be easy, the king is backing him up.. and there's probably a reason for that" luth put his finger on his chin thinking

"What about I go there to spy?" Felyna suggested "you don't have to worry about me, kurumi said the spear hero can't use his power if the person knows it coming"

Luth thinks for a bit and nods agreeing to felyna "for now that's our best option, felyna find out why the king is helping the hero"

"Understood nya"

"I'll go with her" said branwen "I'm also pretty stealthy, and with us two we will be faster and much more safe in this escapade "

"Alright, I'll leave it to you two" said luth

Branwen and felyna immediately leaved after preparing for a bit

"So what do you think kurumi? Why is the king helping him?" Ask luth

"It's simple, it's either the hero have a secret that he only know that will ruin the king's reputation, or he has someone dear to the king held hostage"

Luth sighed "and here I thought everything will go smoothly like last time" he said before standing up "Aber, aloandra " he calls the two young drunitian

"Yes?" Ask Aber while aloandra only looks

Luth smiled "come with me, we'll gather fire woods for a campfire"

The two drunitians happily followed luth to the woods


"So uhh.. what should we do kurumi?" Ask Haruna

"We're gonna stay here of course we can't just leave our luggage and get it stolen"

"Oh! Right! Then let's have a lil talk, you are a other worlder right? But your not a hero.. how did you got here."

"Well, the sword hero.. is a classmate of mine, and I was standing right with him when he was summoned.. and I got caught in the summoning circle "

"Wait really? That can happen?"

"So far, I'm the first one that got summoned mistakenly"

"That's rough.. "

"But I'm liking it here, even if life is hard.. or even harder than our original world.. this world is beautiful relaxing and have many place unexplored and many mysteries undiscovered.. it's really thrilling"

Just by hearing kurumi, haruna can see that kurumi is a smart and curious person

"True! But you know .. I really wanna go home badly... I was told we can't go home! But what you said is true! Maybe some day I will find a way home!"

"Maybe I'll help you with that" kurumi smiled but suddenly headed rustling in the woods nearby

Kurumi and haruna quickly stand up and ready themselves to fight, not knowing who is beyond the bushes

It's when a young man wearing clothing with bits of leather armor walks out

"S-sorry if I spook you two! A-are you friends with the faceless knight? The one who defeat the sword hero?"

Kurumi uses her power at the young man and got a very useful information

"Haruna, it's okay he's not an enemy"

Haruna trust kurumi and put her hammer down

"Yes, we are friends with the faceless knight" said kurumi

"T-then please! I beg you! I need you help!" The young man said as his eyes are suddenly filled with hope


The Demon Queen's Knight Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now