The abyss

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Aber would woke up, it seems that he is alive and have no serious injuries after him and aloandra fell into the abyss

"Wait- where's Aloandra!?" He looks around him panicking, it's when he would see the unconscious Aloandra a few feet away from him

He rushes onto her and check if she's alright "hey! Are you alright!?" He shook her trying to wake her up

Aloandra woke up eventually and quickly sprung up.. it's when she felt pain on her left shoulder.. she hurt it as they fell down " this point I won't be able to lift my shield.."

Aber was worried, but for now he's relieved that she's alive

Aber help her up, they pick up their weapons who are also nearby where they are Aber holds onto aloandra shield as aloandra injured her shoulder

It was dark but Aber ignites his blade with his magical flame to light up the place so the both of them can see

As they walk onto the dark corridors of this unknown place, they can feel that their not alone, there's something in there with them but they do not know that.

Footsteps...they can hear multiple, something small

Not very long the owners of those footsteps reveald themselves..kobolds.. small lizard like creature.. they are armed with makeshift spears, there's plenty of them, this part is probably their turf

"Run!" Aber screamed before running with Aloandra they are chased by the kobolds.. they cannot fight.. this creatures outnumbered

After running for quiet some time, the pair are finally free from the kobolds chasing after them, sitting down on a rock..Aloandra's stomach growls..they didn't know how long are they out after they wake up..

"I-ill be fine..." Said aloandra, she is clearly hungry

Aber looks around for's when he spotted mushrooms..he would check those out and by luck it's edible

"Aloandra look! This mushrooms, we can eat this! I'm sure this mushrooms are the same mushroom my mother use when she's cooking, I also remember that it grows in caves"

"A-are you sure about that? What if it's poisonous?" Ask aloandra with a very concerned tone

"Please trust me "

Aloandra looks at Aber and nods, she will trust her ally..this is tough situation their in..

Aber then starts preparing it with everything he has in that cave...and cooking it using his fire magic

The edible..but it lacks flavor, better than being hungry, after eating the two continue their journey

"If there are kobolds living here.. this place probably have an exit.. " said Aloandra "we just need to find it "

As they walk onto the dark caverns.. a load roar echoes through its walls, the ground shook with every heavy footstep it took

The two quickly runs away and try to find a place to's when the same voice as before called for aber calling him

"This way, it's save here"

"Aloandra, this way"

Aloandra follows him, soon they will find a small staircase..

"Up here!" The voices calls again before the two walks up to see..


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