Threat level eight

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So I felt like I came up with funny random little side stories that involved the Avengers but nothing that I wanted to developed an entire book out of so this is what the story is for, the random things that come into my head.
Some will involve readerXacharacter and some will not.
Some stories the reader will be an Avenger and some will not.
Just whatever comes to me at the time.
I will put little summaries at the beginning of each chapter so the reader will know what they are getting into.
Some shorts might turn into full books who knows.

We're going on an adventure.

In this first one y/n is kind of an honorary Avenger, helps the team time to time though she hasn't fought along side all of them before and hasn't encountered anything crazy yet nor has a full time commitment with them. Y/n is a weapons specialist and ex-special forces, even went up against Nat a few times when Nat was KGB. Worked its Fury on off the books missions and even fought the winter solider once, gave y/n a nasty scar to prove it.


It was the fourth time your phone had gone off in the past three minutes but you still refused to pick it up, your hands were otherwise occupied with a wine glass and the TV remote. HULU wasn't quite cutting it with the romcom selection so you flipped back over to Netflix while you phone buzzed next to you.

You were on vacation.

Well, a stay-cation. Which was earned throughly. The last mission you had gone on almost ended up with your head blown off by a roof top sniper when Fury asked you to get some information on some HYDRA/SHIELD agents after SHIELD fell. He ended someone he trusted, someone who couldn't be bought off by HYDRA or swayed by their bribes.

And aside from the Avengers, that was a hand full of Agents and you. Fury had served in the military with your parents back in the day, you were like an adoptive daughter to him in a lot of ways. So he was always calling in favors when he needed someone he knew who could keep their mouth shut and work off the radar.

So after the last mission you gave yourself a few weeks off, stopped at the store still with your blood soaked uniform on and picked up a cart full of vodka and wine then spent the next few hours in your tub. You were pretty surprised when the check out clerk didn't call the cops by the state of your outfit but it was also New York City, a lot of other weird things happened there.

At the tenth time it buzzed you had enough, you weren't even reading the titles on the television because the sound of your phone was driving you crazy. You set the remote on your lap grabbing the phone and glancing at the caller ID.

'Eyepatch' the contact read.

"This better be good Fury." You answered the phone.

"Sokovia, i'm sending the bird for you now." Always with the mission first and pleasantries last.

"I'm on vacation." You flatly replied putting the phone on speaker so you could use the remote again.

"They need you." You could feel his eye roll through the phone. Just one eye though of course.

"I told you I'm on vacation."

"No you're drinking wine and scrolling through your to watch list. This is serious y/n."

"I'm not getting up for anything less than a threat level five Fury." You took another long sip of wine emptying your glass. "Or if i need more wine."

"Good thing it's an eight then. I'll see you soon." He hung up before you could even respond something he was terrible at doing. He knew it got under your skin.

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