Yes I am

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Steve rogers X reader one shot here. Just a fun little outing when you run into Cap.

Books were a safe haven for you, records, artifacts, lore and really anything mythical you could lose yourself in. You had been that way since you were a child, an abusive alcoholic father and absent mother left you with a lot of time holed up in a closet with a flash light and a leather bound. So naturally becoming an expert in mythology and history was the right choice for you.

Even though you had graduated from Brown a few years ago and made the move to D.C. you still helped with some of the local colleges historical departments and ever since the arrival of Norse Gods people wanted your expertise more and more. You couldn't complain though, getting full access to the library of congress and Georgetown's research made you beyond excited to wake up each day.

Upon your arrival to D.C. you settled down in an apartment on the east side of the town and really only adventured as far as the library and Universities. You went to the same coffee shop each morning, ordered the same drink and took the same bus route. Your life as what most would call normal.

Until one morning when forgetting a few books on your desk caused you to miss your bus.

You cursed under your breath as you jogged back to your studio apartment knowing you'd miss the bus and have to walk through the city to make it to the Library in time. As soon as you pushed open the door to your apartment you could see the stack of books on your IKEA build desk taunting you. Quickly you pushed then into your shoulder bag before setting back out the door and through the park taking a short cut towards the library of congress.

The bag pushed into your shoulder from the weight of the books even though you had already alternated it three times and a small amount of sweat started to bead on your forehead as the sun steadily rose in the east. You glanced down at your watch checking the time knowing you wouldn't be at the library as soon as it opened like you usually were you'd have about two more miles of walking to come to terms with that though.

It's not like you had a set schedule but you liked to be on one. Structure was the one thing you could always control though. As you walked towards the Washington monument you could hear a steady pair of footsteps coming up behind you, as a young woman walking alone you immediately clutched your bag as a man called out.

"On your left." As soon as he spoke a tall muscular man ran past you and you let out a quick sigh of relief.

There was a small bench in the near the top of the pool calling your name sweetly so you jogged towards it taking a quick break and cursing yourself for not working out more. You pulled your legs up to your chest resting your chin on your knees as you took in your view. You had never seen Washington monument this close up before, you hadn't seen any of the monuments D.C. had to offer actually.

You preferred your books and research compared to the real thing and you didn't have to fight 8th graders in museums to read to the plaques. But sitting here now you couldn't help but marvel at the city in front of you. The pure history floating around you, you wondered how many people sat in this same spot and thought the same thing. Or did true patriots stand here? Taking in the city that they help build and protect.

For a moment you wished you could be that, a defender or protector someone who would stand up to the repressors and injustice. But then you remembered you were just a girl who read books. Nothing out of the ordinary happened in your life.

Grunting as you picked back up your shoulder bag you could hear the same footsteps again heading towards you. Shakily you crossed your shoulders with your bag and started walking taking one last look up to the monument.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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