-Chapter 1 Raid-

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Raphael Ren, A first year cadet. participate in training for the Battle Angel Program. do not know where he came from and for what purpose he joined this program. All he remembers is when his residence was destroyed during the war. Ren grew up in a military facility educated by military way. Michael Cross, already considered his own family because he saved him while he lay unconscious.

18:10.The base for the new Tokyo Military Base[Cafeteria]"Excuse me, I'll order as usual."As usual ?, allright will be ready soon.This is your order."Thanks."The same Champ!

"Hey Ren, how was your day?" same day, same activity, boring."Maybe you should start looking for a hobby."Well, maybe. By the way, Cross, what are you doing here, a general gettin lunch with cadets during working hours?"Yea, I'm bored, maybe I should take a break and chat with my subordinates."Haha, Cross is so cute."I've said many times, Call me general."You make my food tasteless."Okay, I'll go, huh, you really don't know the profit. Who was the one who saved your ass first?"Very well, I thanks for that. You saved my ass and trained me to be a Killer."Not a Killer, soldier."Okay, you saved my ass and train me to become a soldier. And when will you disappear from my sight."All right- All right, I'mma leave.

[Alarm Alert]. Code red, code red. the system detects vibration waves. All refugees are expected to take shelter."Oh, seriously."Okay, changing plan, you take care of them, I'll take care of your food."You're a general, you idiot!" just kidding, get your uniform immediately"What's their business here?"I don't know maybe a Crowd of Zombies."Okay that sounds bad."Hurry up and get your Suit."Ready to carry out Cross."Its General, Ren!

[Alarm Warning] Warning, Warning The main gate has been breached. Warning, Warning. The main gate has been breached."Oh so they can break through the steel door?-Report, two tanks were detected to fire immediately."Okay, they intend.

19:25.New Tokyo Military BaseMain hall.[God's hand arrives at the gate]"We know you have the serum, Pal, hand it over if you want no one to be killed, or there will be many who will die tonight."We aim to improve the world economy from rubbish like you all."Cross, who are they,"God Hands."What are they doing here."Serum, storage Room. Their goal is to take the serum."Alright split up."Ren, you take care of the serum, I'll take care of the hostages.Hostage? Where."Northwest."It's close to me."Okay, change of plans, I'll take care of the serum, you take care of the hostages."Got it.

[Storage Room]"Hold on! Don't let them break into the storage room."But the generals of all units have already Down."Alright, release the Battle Angel."On your mark sir.

"....Now !

[Northwest Gate]"Alright northwest, on the way.Hello, is there someone here?"..."Cross, I found the hostage."Thank God you're fine, are you hurt? Where are the others?"Kill.Huh?"Kill the enemy."Oh shit, Um Cross, it looks like the hostage is a trap. she tried to kill me you know ?!"Yea, they have breached the storage room."This is bad, she wants to stab me."Relax Ren, the battle angels are joining us."Battle Angel you say? Wow, is this an elite class combat power."Die-"What wai-

[Someone comes to help Ren.]"Heya champ, don't avert your eyes."Uh, thank you, youre Battle Angel ?."V90J, and yours."Ren, Raphael Ren."Nice to meet you general champ."Eh?"-Report, all enemies have retreated. Over."-Report, message received by all troops retreating. Over."Good job, champ, for a loser like you."All right, can you help me up?"-No."Okay.

Last night's assault by the God Hand troops to take serum from the base had ended, the condition of the base was heavily damaged by the attack.fortunately the refugees are fine. There were no injuries from yesterday's attack but the base had to be repaired for several months."I Announce Cadet , Raphael Ren, Codename: RR406.I'm promoting into the elite class, today."What the f-

-And well, that's what happened next.Continued...

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