The party

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After the ceremony the couple and guests apparition or portal key to the party location to get pictures talking and get ready to celebrate to the newly wedded couple. As the bridesmaids guide the quests inside, Penelope and Sirius walk with Bellatrix out back to take pictures.

One and a half-hour later the tree walks back inside as the waiters are ready with the first course and white wine.

As the waiters take out the first course Regulus stands and hit his wineglass lightly with his knife.

"Sirius, brother, I still can't believe that we are actually here today. But I can't say that I am not happy for you that would be a lie. We have been through a lot together, as brothers do. When we were growing up, you would always talk about this girl up the street, the one with the black hair and the big browns eyes and how you wanted to her to yours. Well, it looks like you got her, after all, Penelope how can you deal with him, I will never understand. But the two you are perfect for each other. All the things you have been through, have not only you seen, but the ones closest to you have as well. But I have always looked up to you Sirius, always admired the way you think, you have always been the best older brother anyone could ask for. Watching both you and Penelope growing into the people you are today is something else, she has always been there by your side after a very hard bump on the road, making sure you were okay. To say that you could have found a better match is a lie. You complete each other at everything the two of you have. To the bride and groom. Cheers!"

As the crowd cheers, Regulus hugs his older brother, and giving Penelope a light kiss on her cheek. After Regulus' speech, Jasmin stands up to talk, being Penelope's longest and closest friend.

"Penelope, you and I go way back and so to be here today is absolutely wonderful. You are the most fantastic person I know, when we first met, you were a shy bookworm, whom anyone in Slytherin got to love but also a lot of those outsides of Slytherin. People have always admired the way you are quick to reply with your witty remarks, that some Ravenclaws even can't. You have always been there for people, who didn't were there for you in a lot of dark times, that was until you got together with this tosser on your right side" This remark got a laugh out it "You have come so far P, and the way you are, is in itself a blessing. You have made me see what great things are out there in this crazy and weird world. P, you have and will always be my number one. Cheers to the bride and groom. And Sirius you better take care of her."

Again the crowd cheers as the two girls hug, a single tear falling down each girls cheek.

To everyone's surprise, Orion Black stands from his table, Sirius being afraid that he was walking out, but to everyone's surprise and Roses glee, he walks up to the mic between the Black table and the head table.

"So... Sirius... I know that I haven't been a good father throughout the years and that I never have been there for you or your brother, but I'm proud of calling you my son, and I know that you will bring the Black family name back to its former glory with your brother at your side." Orion choked up, holding back the river of tears he knew was waiting for the go-to stream. Again more tears fell from Sirius and even some from Regulus.

As the main course had been served, the chatter again filled the room, and it filled Penelope's heart with joy, that all the people she knew were gathered for this big day. Penelope was pulled from her thoughts when she felt a hand on her thigh.

"What are you thinking about love?" her husband asked her, and still getting used to the new title.

"Just how lucky I am, all though there is just one person missing" his wife whispered to him, not wanting to feel sad on their big day. Her husband knew what she was talking about

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