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The day I meet Alpha Jack was the day my world crumbled down. Before meeting him I did not know about this world and I did not know about mates. I was just a hyper human with a little space. And it did not help that once I meet him I was in my little space. Seeing him shift in front of me made me freak out in so many ways, but once he proved he would never hurt me we started to get to know each other. Before then I would hide behind his Female Beta and his sister. I was scared of them too, but with their soft soothing voice and non judgement we became friends quickly.   I was happy when they would come over since the Alpha would not let me leave the house since I was unmarked and unmated, but I think it was also because I am a human. What was funny was that his sister would always to a Gibs move. For the people who does not watch NCIS, a Gibs move is when in the show the character would always hit the back of his teams head when they were acting unsmart or when they messed up.  So when his sister did that everytime I hid behind her or when he would act out it always made me laugh making him calm down. If you have not guessed it just yet I am his mate aka the Pack's Luna. Have you ever heard of a human Luna? Well apparently I am the first and it does not help that he is so possessive of me.  When he is not around because of his Alpha Duties he has his Female Beta, Abby, and his sister, Alice, come over and be my guards. During those time we are always watching NCIS or playing the game that the alpha bought me once he heard I love the tv series. Everyday he would have some type of gift for me even it was making me breakfast. Of course in the beginning I did not trust him so his sister would always try the food before I ate. The only people allowed here while I am unmarked & unmated and after M&M without him is just his sister and his Beta Female. So when I saw another female  walking into the house I went all crazy, but that I will tell you later. Now the day I meet the alpha I was at the park playing on the swing sets. My brother and I just got into a verbal fight. Since I am real close to him it made me slip into my little space more and I ran to the park. My brother is my caretaker since our dad passed away and after I was taken by Child Services since my mom had a problem. My brother is actually my half brother, but I was his shadow after our dad passed away. He never let on if he knew exactly why Child Services took me away from my mom, but that day he was angry at me for the past so much he let parts of it slip. That is one of the reasons why I ran to the park instead of my room or somewhere else. The park always puts a smile on my face and it is my save place when ever I remember what happened to me. I do not know why the alpha was at the park, but once he saw me and our eyes connected that is when everything changed.

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