4 Days

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In 4 days I'm meeting him.

Every free minute I have, I've spent thinking about him.
About how it will feel to see him, not trough a screen, but in real life.

That's why I have been distracting myself as much as possible. And I'm not planning on changing that any time soon.

I streamed yesterday and the day before that - both times for 4 hours.

I don't think I've ever streamed that much.

Now I'm outside, getting some much needed fresh air in my lungs.

I'm walking trough the streets of Brighton, on my way to buy ice cream from the supermarket to - who would've thought - sit inside again and watch a movie.

I'm listening to 'The Adults Are Talking' by the Strokes, when I hear my name being called a few metres away, by a girl my age.

I take off my headphones and stand still, while she comes up to me, looking excited.

Then it hits me. She must want a picture. I don't know why I didn't realise it, I do have a couple of followers online. The moment was about to come, where I take my first ever picture with a fan.

But why does it have to happen while I look like I just got out of bed?

I'm still thinking about how I will look horrible on the photo, when something the girl says rips me out of my trance.

"Hey, where are you going? I haven't seen you in ages!"

That's not something a fan would say.

"Oh umm hi. I'm just- walking."
Yes she probably saw that. Idiot.

"Ah. Well, I saw that your kind of a thing with the mystery guy now."
She hits my arm payfully.

Mystery guy. Wilbur. Of course it's her. Only the girls from school would call Will 'mystery guy' back when we didn't know his name.

This is making so much more sense now. I've never really liked this girl. She doesn't seem genuine. There's always a hint of mischief in her voice. And not in a good way.

"Oh" I let out a small nervous chuckle "Will and I aren't a thing."

She seems pleased with my answer, her lips forming a smile.
"If that's the case, you should totally introduce us." She says, touching my shoulder.

There's an awful amount of touching going on in this conversation and I'm not liking it. I didn't even notice when she got close enough to me to be able to touch me.

"Uh- I don't know."

"Why not? You guys aren't together are you?"
A frown formes on her lips now, her eyebrows furrowed.

"No, we're not" I try to explain, slightly annoyed "I just don't think it's my place to do that."

"Sure. It was nice seeing you again." She suddenly says, clearly frustrated.

"Yea, bye." I answer.

I'm startled by her reaction. Did she really expect me to just say yes? On the other hand, why wouldn't I? It's not like they're complete strangers.

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