Late nights

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My finger lingers over the button to accept the call. Do I answer? I have to. But why is he calling me? Help.

"Umm, Niki I have to go. It was nice talking to you."

"Okay no problem, you too."

"Bye." I hang up. What do I do now? Accept the call. Okay. It's okay, calm down.

I accept the call.

"Hey", I say. What does he want?
"Hi! Do you have a minute?"
Now I'm even more nervous. Do I have a minute? Dang that sounds serious.
"Uhh, yea sure. What's up?", I say, trying to not let my nervousness show through.
"Twitter is really going crazy right now, huh?", he says with a huff.
"Yea, I know.", I say, almost whispering. This is so awkward.

"Look- I just wanted to say that I really didn't mean to upset you. I mean, I hope I didn't upset you-"

"No no, it's fine. There's no need to apologize really. It's just a game.", I interrupt him, before he can make this even more embarrassing for me.

"Yes, it's just a game.", he repeats, almost sounding relieved.
"So, what are you up to?",he asks after a short pause.

"I was just on a call with Niki a second ago. I think I'm gonna sleep soon. It's been a long day.", I answer. That was probably a lie. I'm not going to be able to sleep for at least an hour. Today was intense. And it still is.

"I get that. I know now why I deleted Twitter. Everyone is making fun of me.", he laughs.

"Well yea, makes sense. Should've picked love.", I whisper the last sentence.

He starts laughing. "You're right I really should've. But we wouldn't be talking right now so maybe it was a good decision."

I mean, true. But- why? He hosted me.

"Uhh, yes", I say in the most awkward way possible. Was that flirting? Of course it wasn't, he's just being friendly....right?

He lets out a quick laugh. "Anyways..your friends really thought I was cute when we went to school?"

"Shut up Wilbur Soot.", I say, a grin plastered across my face.

"Okay. I'm sorry. But seriously- we went to the same school and never had a conversation? How could that happen?"

God, he's smooth. Stop. Don't.

"I don't know." When will this stupid smile leave my face? "But I don't think we had the same interests back then to be honest. The only thing I did back then was read and go shopping with my friends."

"The friends who thought I was cute?" Good god, I can hear his smug smile through the screen.

"Yes, the friends who thought you were cute. And now stop with that."

The only response I get is a laugh from him. It sounds genuine. Every word he says sounds genuine. And kind. And meaningful. Stop.

"Since you want to keep me from going to bed and getting my well deserved sleep, I'll just get ready with you on the call.", I finally say after a short awkward pause. I'm really tired. If I don't go to bed within the next thirty minutes I might fall asleep standing.

"Oh, I didn't mean to bother you. I just don't want to have to look at Twitter again today and you're distracting me from looking again and seeing all those humiliating tweets."

I talk while I'm on my way to the bathroom: " Dude, just delete Twitter again. That's the easiest option."

"You're probably right. You know what? I will actually do that." After a few seconds he talks again: "Done. I did it. No more humiliation." I can't believe I actually just convinced him to delete Twitter.

"You did not just actually delete Twitter because I told you to."

"No, I definiteley did." He actually deleted it.




We start talking about Twitch and he gives me tipps on streaming since he has a bigger following than me. I take my makeup off and brush my teeth while we talk. The awkward pauses get less and less the more we talk and we seem to get along very well. I'm also not as nervous anymore. He has a soothing effect on me. I walk back to my room after I'm done in the bathroom, still talking to Wilbur.

I start taking my sweatshirt off to change into something to sleep in when Wilbur asks:"What are you doing? I hear shuffling."

Before I can stop and think I answer:"Taking off my clothes"

"Jeez you're moving fast. On the first call? I see how it is."

"I- uh, not like that you weirdo. I'm just putting on a t-shirt."

"Okay, okay I'll turn around."

"What do you mean you will 'turn around'"

"I don't know, I feel like I should be turning around. You're changing."

I start laughing like I did many times before on this call. Why does he do this. We fall into casual conversation after that. I lay in bed and turn off all the lights in my room as I continue talking to Wilbur. We talk and talk and talk.

"Hey, do you mind giving me your phone number?", Wilbur asks.

What. Phone number. Give.

"Uhh yes. Of course." Did I sound too excited? Shit, he probably thinks I'm weird.

"Cool" Cool? Cool. I can hear that smile in his voice again. I give him my number through discord.

I can hear a light chuckle from his side of the call. We're both very tired, I can tell. His voice has gotten raspier and every once in a while I can hear him move in his bedsheets. I. Need. Sleep. As much as I want to keep talking to him, I need to sleep now.



"We need to sleep."




"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye"

"Good night."

We hang up. Wow. That was one long phone call. It was good to talk to him. He didn't chose host because he doesn't like me. He was actually just trying to annoy Niki. Just like she said. I'm glad that I got closure. I'm glad I got to hear it from him and not only from Niki.

In my sleep deprived state I decide to make one last tweet before actually going to sleep.

just convinced wilbur soot to delete twitter, feeling good.

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