Chapter 3: Sunrise, At The Winery

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I lay sleepily on my bed, hugging a pillow on my side that was made of silk. It seems during my sleep I had accidentally kicked some other pillows off the bed too, it seems my childhood habits hadn't quite disappeared yet. How annoying. I slowly sat up inside the covers and rubbed my eyes, the curtains were still closed only leaving a gap small enough for a stray ray of sunlight. I sat there for a bit doing nothing, I was lazy and couldn't be bothered to wake up and face anyone downstairs, I also knew today was the day I was gonna get kicked out...great. I sighed and hopped out of bed still wearing my only pair of socks, I was surprised that they didn't disappear in the middle of the night, you know, knowing my tossing and turning during the night. I took my bag from the carpet beside me and looked again at the stain. How was I supposed to get this out? Maybe it was better to just somehow get a new one instead...

I wondered and then suddenly heard a knock at my door. I answered quietly, as I was still very sleepy, but obviously I was too quiet since Diluc opened the door and made his way in anyway. 

"How was your sleep? You weren't too cold were you?", He asked standing in the open doorway, hair down and completely awake. His attitude had not changed from the stern one I had witnessed on the way here, despite what went on downstairs last night. 

"Oh, yeah it was nice. Thank you", I replied with a smile. 

"I'm glad", He said with no emotion in his facial expression. "Don't be too long up here, breakfast is waiting for you downstairs", He said leaving the room. "Oh, and there are some spare clothes sitting on the rail. I figured you might want to change out of your current ones..", He turned around and told me as he kept walking towards the stairway. 

I followed him out just to pick up my new clothes from the rail. I held them in front of my face to really get a proper look. It was a white dress shirt which looked far too big for me, I could always tuck it in though, and a black pleated skirt which seemed to look like a better fit. Maybe it was a maids or something? Anyways, I quickly got changed in my small room and went downstairs, looking slightly ridiculous with such an oversized shirt. It must be Dilucs shirt...

"I prepared you breakfast..It isn't fancy or anything, but I do hope it is still to your liking", Diluc asserted as I paced down the stairs and sat down on a dining chair opposite his. 

"Is there nobody else here?", I asked. "I would've thought with a winery this big, you would have workers and maids and people here to help you". I looked puzzled. 

"We do yes, but they all left early for their commissions and daily jobs", He stated, picking up a piece of fruit from a small bowl with his fork. 

"THIS EARLY!", I beamed, a little too extravagantly. "ITS LIKE 8AM". 

"This is early to you?", He said surprised. "With an attitude like that, I don't see you getting anywhere". 

"What does getting up early have to do with being successful, like honestly as long as your job is done who cares what time you wake up", I said chewing a piece of Mondstadt Hash Brown that Diluc had served for me. 

Diluc chuckled. "Well, you sure wont be getting places if you are chewing and talking at the same time Y/N. Did you learn "Manners" in your previous town?". 

"Snezhnaya? Nah, all of us just had yellow snow", I laughed, realising not much of what I said really made much sense in context.

"Yellow snow? Is that some kind of Snezhnayan Wine?", Diluc questioned. "I have never heard it before?".

"Wine? Seriously! No wonder nobody can have a good laugh with you... you thought pee topped snow was wine?", I laughed even harder, as he just sat there expressionless, until till he let out a small smile. 

"Ahh, my mistake", He acknowledged, smiling down at his plate. 

His smile reminded me of the smile I saw in the photo I saw last night. The one of him standing with his dad. It was a contagious smile, and one that seemed special seeing as he hardly ever did it. How I wish to make him smile like this more often... 

Authors Note!

Sorry this chapter is quite short! I am quite tired and it is late as of the time I am writing this..but tomorrow I will write the next chapter for you since this short ><

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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