Ch 25

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The bell rang telling the students that it was time for lunch, Izuku's favorite part of the day. Getting up from his desk he began to make his way towards the cafeteria.

Izuku mind: I can't wait any longer, I am so hungry.

Izuku would however have to wait a little bit longer to get his lunch. As Izuku was walking down the hallway towards to cafeteria heard someone call his name to try and get ahold of him.

???: Mr.Midoriya could you please hold up a second!

Izuku stopped walking and turned towards where the voice that was calling his name was coming from.  When he looked to see who was calling his name Izuku saw that it was Nezu.

Izuku: oh hey Nezu!

Nezu: that's Principal Nezu young Midoriya.

Izuku: right I'll remember that.

Nezu: good.

Izuku: so what is it that you needed for me Nezu?

Nezu let out a small sigh at Izuku just calling her Nezu instead of Principal Nezu but she got over it fairly quickly and got on with yeah she was here.

Nezu: apparently an old friend of mine heard that you were here and asked if it would be alright for you to come intern with him.

Izuku: him? So it's not a heroine?

Nezu: no he isn't, he's not even a pro.

Izuku: so what did you say?

Nezu: at first I didn't know if it would be a good idea to send you to someone who wasn't a heroine do to not being able to get to experience that you would need.

Izuku: that makes sense.

Nezu: but then he told me something that changed my mind and now I really think you should consider doing your internship with him.

Izuku: what did he tell you that changed your mind?

Nezu: he told me Izuku that he knew your father and was the one that trained him.

Izuku: this man trained my dad?

Nezu: yes.

Izuku: who is he, you said that you knew him, what's his name?

Nezu: he is Master Mutaito, he owns a small but famous martial arts dojo.

Izuku: Mutaito?

Izuku had thought about the name for a second trying to remember if Hisashi had ever spoken of him. But as hard as Izuku tried think about it he just couldn't remember his dad ever speaking of a Master Mutaito.

Izuku: I don't think that my dad has ever mentioned that name to me before.

Nezu: your father may never have mentioned him to you but he must have mentioned you to Master Mutaito because he knows about you.

Izuku: you said he owns a small dojo right?

Nezu: yes.

Izuku: but you also said it was famous?

Nezu: right again young Midoriya.

Izuku: if it's so famous then why is it small?

Nezu: don't let the size of Master Mutaito's school fool you, the reason for it being small even though it is famous is because he is very picky about who he takes on as a student.

Izuku: if it is so famous then why does he want me to train with him, I mean sure I'm the son of one of his students but still.

Nezu: all he said was that he wanted to finish the training that your father started with you.

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