Chapter 8

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Kelechi Pov

"I'm not crying, Okpo¹!!" I shouted before pushing Ify out of my room.


Frustrated, I closed the door. I sat on my bed clutching my phone to my chest as I murmured.

"I'm not crying. I can't be crying for a... a guy." I said in disgust.

I walked to the full length mirror beside my vanity and looked at my reflection to admire myself.

I'm too beautiful for that Idiot. I deserve better.

I dressed myself up in a red lace sleeved skimpy gown. A pair black sneakers to match. I can't let him full my shine².

With the beauty I possessed, I found full make up unnecessary.
A little mascara here and there with my pink lip gloss was enough for me.

We had two backdoors downstairs. One in the kitchen and the other at the second store. The second store was where we kept fancy plastic chairs, tables and decoration materials.

My Papa was involved in event planning. And when he died mama took over the business deal downstairs. Apparently, having three sons didn't stop her from taking control of the business.

The passage leading to the second store was empty.
Grandma must have given up on me helping her in the kitchen and asked Ify and Meso instead.

I tried making no noise as I sneaked out. I quietly entered the second store. I didn't bother closing the door after me because I might not get lucky doing it quietly.

It was when I tried opening the backdoor, I discovered it was locked.


I screamed internally. The key should be in Mama's favourite purse.

Going to her room would have been a total waste of time. So, I did what I knew best.

I went to the living room with the intention of lying my way out to my dad. But when I got there, I was shocked at the sight that greeted me.

I was expecting my Dad or at least one of my uncles. I didn't expect to see the living room empty.

So all the Ninja Sneaky moves I've been doing was all pointless?

I used the front door. I was about leaving when I heard someone's voice from the garage.

"Sneaking out again?"

"Keep your voice down. I'm going out not sneaking out." I whispered to him.

"So, it's okay if I tell mama?" He asked with an annoying smirk on his face.

Ben was leaning against the wall beside his bicycle. We both had a bicycle as our fifteenth birthday gift. Although, Ben didn't use his, I used mine whenever I came here.

"And you're going to explain why you're holding my dad's car keys." I said folding my hands in a challenging stance.

He was really holding the car keys to a car. I only guessed it was my dad's because there were only two vehicles in the garage at the moment; Mama's and dad's. There was no way he was able to get Mama's car keys. So dad it was.

"Come in, let's go." He said as he opened the door to the car.

"Better" I went to sit on the passenger seat while he started the car.

" Why did you even steal the keys?" I asked.

" I didn't steal the keys. I just borrowed them." He tried mimicking my voice.

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