Chapter three

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            “Do you think that jackass told Kayden yet?” I asked Zoe nervously. Zoe looked over at Roman and Kayden, Roman looked cocky and Kayden looked even more nervous than he usually did. “Yea, Roman told him. Why don’t you just go up to him and talk to him? He is so shy he probably would just run away from you screaming anyway.”

            I glared at Zoe. “I’m not going to torture the poor kid!” Zoe rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

            I watched Zoe closely, she was up to something and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like whatever she was planning in her twisted little brain. I looked over at Kayden, god he was so cute! I can’t believe I was stupid enough to open my mouth without looking around first. I just can’t stand how shy he is. How was I supposed to get to know him or anything? I mean Kayden wasn’t just shy, he was painfully shy, like to the point of awkwardness. But there was something that pulled me to him in more ways than just his handsomeness. I wasn’t why I was pulled to him but I was and I hated it! He was just so damn shy.

            “Did you hear anything I just said?” Zoe asked a little annoyed.

            “Oh, what? Sorry, I was kind of drifting off there…” I said embarrassed at being caught staring at Kayden.

            “So are you going to talk to him or what?” Zoe asked. I rolled my eyes.

            “Zoe, it’s not going to work, ok? He is too shy and probably doesn’t want anything to do with me. I’m not exactly known around school for having a good reputation, thanks to you and Celeste…”

            Zoe laughed. They didn’t care what people thought of them. As long as guys still looked at them they would never care.  I tore my eyes from Zoe to look back over at Kayden only to find Roman staring back at me with a knowing smile. Bastard. “Zoe, I will be right back.”

            “Oh are you going to talk to Kayden?” Zoe asked curiously. I shook my head. “I think I need to have a chat with his bodyguard.”

            I got up and walked as confidently as I could with all the nerves jumping around in my stomach towards Kayden and Roman. Roman smacked Kayden in the arm, making him look up. When his eyes locked on me they widened and he looked like he was going to pass out. I took a deep breath before I got close enough to talk to them. Time to pull out all that confidence I have watched Celeste and Zoe use for years to get what they wanted. I just hoped I could act the part. I stopped just ahead of their desks, Roman gave me a cocky smile that I wanted to punch off his stupid face and Kayden looked like I was going to give him water torture.

            “Roman, I need to have a little chat with you.” I said in an icy voice. I really wanted to kick his ass.

            “Are you sure it’s me you want to talk to?” Roman asked with arrogance.

            “Oh, I’m very sure!” I snapped, making Roman’s smile grow and Kayden’s head jump to look at my face again, he was practically hidding behind his grown out hair. I gave Roman my deadliest glare and ignored Kayden. This wasn’t going to work if I got tripped up with my feelings for Kayden.

            “Oh all right, but just remember, I’m taken.” Roman joked. Too bad I didn’t find it funny.

            “Well, if you want to keep the part of you that you use to make Lucy scream with in the back of your Chevy I suggest you get over here, now!” I threatened. Roman’s face fell slightly but the reaction I got from Kayden shocked me the most. He actually chuckled. I lost all my anger at his stupid friend when I heard his rough, deep laugh. It was amazing. I had never heard him laugh before. My shock mirrored Roman’s but he recovered quicker than I did.

            “Come on, Juliet, let’s ‘chat’ before you rip off my favorite body part.” Roman looked back at Kayden “Make sure you don’t talk to anyone while I’m gone, I would hate to miss it.” That would have made me laugh but I wasn’t in the mood anymore.

            I followed Roman out of the classroom and shoved him into a locker. “Why in the hell would you tell Kayden I liked him?!” I was barely able to keep from screaming at him.

            “Whoa there, Hazel. I know you’re the fiesty one but there is no reason for you to be throwing your weight around. I did it because Kayden is my friend and he has never had a girlfriend. I want him to get out there and talk to people and I know that he likes you too.” That stopped me dead. I glared at him to see if he was lying. “I’m not lying, Hazel. He has had a crush on you since he first saw you.”

            “Why are you telling me this?” I asked, forgetting I wanted to beat the shit out of him.

            Roman sighed. “Because, Kayden is so fucking shy! I want him to be happy but he can’t because he is too shy to go out and find happiness. So I am helping him. I know you like him and you’re not like the other girls that try to get with him. You didn’t want him to know. You were shy about it. I know that you would be good for Kayden, you could bring him out of his shell.”

            “So you are doing this because you are trying to be a good friend?”

            “Listen, you wouldn’t believe the things girls will tell me to try and get me to hook them up with Kayden. I mean it’s sick really. But you didn’t even intend for me to know. I’ve seen you around school, I know you are not like your two little friends. I’ve noticed you looking at Kayden when you thought no one was watching. I like you as a person, even though you are a little scary.”

         I smiled at that. “Wait, what do you mean I’m not like my friends? Just because they are gorgeous doesn’t mea-” Roman cut me off before I could finish.

            “I didn’t mean that you weren’t pretty, don’t let Lucy know I said that, I meant that you don’t sleep around or whore yourself out to get guys do what you want.”

            My jaw went slack. Celeste and Zoe didn’t do that. I mean they used their pretty faces to get guys to do things for them but that wasn’t whoring yourself out. “Don’t talk about my friends that way!”

            “See, and you are fiercely loyal, even in the face of truth.” I glared at Roman. “Please, just hear me out ok? Go on a date with Kayden, ask him out because he will never ask you. He will be a perfect gentlemen, you would have to do most of the talking but you guys would have fun. Or go on a double date with me and Lucy. Please? I know you like him and I know he likes you he just needs a push and I have pushed him as much as I can. You are just the girl to get him to fall over the edge.”

            “You sound like you are pimping your best friend out.” I growled.

            Roman shrugged. “I might be but I’m doing it with the best intentions… Please?”

            “Fine, but I’m only doing this because he needs to get out of his shell.” I turned to go back into our classroom.

            “And because you want to jump his bones.” Roman teased.

            “Fuck you!” I snarled.

            As Roman and I entered the room I was confronted with a scene that nearly ripped my world apart. There Zoe was, sitting on Kayden’s desk. I recognized the posture and look on her face. She was in full get-the-guy mode. My heart broke. How could Zoe do this to me? Roman made the same conclusion I did in almost the same amount of time, only he didn’t have to deal with the shock of his best friend's betrayal. Roman was used to looking out for Kayden, especially against girls. Now he was in full on bodyguard mode.

            “Zoe, why don’t you back off a little, you might choke him with that horrid perfume you are wearing.” Roman growled.

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