20 | drowned blood

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Stepping through the front door to my penthouse, I discarded my jacket and placed the car keys I had stolen into my back pocket

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Stepping through the front door to my penthouse, I discarded my jacket and placed the car keys I had stolen into my back pocket.

Walking into my living room I quickly spun around and grabbed my gun I had tugged back into my pant and aimed it towards the six-foot at least three men in a black suit.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, catching him by surprise.

"How the fuck did you know I was here?" He asked leaning against the wall as I turned around holding my gun to his head.

He didn't seem faced at all rather the opposite he was expecting it by his little smirk playing on his gorgeous face.

I pointed over to my mirror where you could clearly see his reflection still holding my gun up.

He rolled his eyes knowing too well what kind of dumb mistake he had made.

"Leave!" I demanded, lowering my gun. How the hell did he know I was here? I made sure no one could trace me.

As a matter of fact, I knew Isa hadn't said anything. I had still kept in touch with her because losing my best friend was the last thing I was going to let happen in this fucked up world.

"I think I'll stay a bit," he spoke calmly trailing his index finger over the edge of the desk stepping closer until he was right in front of me invading my personal space.

Placing his hand on my back he suddenly pulled me closer, his chest pressed against mine.

Stepping back, I tried not getting too close to him, which was getting a bit hard with his hand practically holding me in place.

"I said leave Enzo!" I repeated looking up to his green emerald eyes.

Those eyes were most definitely my favorite futures beside his sharp jawline and enormous big di-.

"Why the hell did you think you could leave me?" he asked anger clear in his voice  growing bigger as he gently traced my lips with his thumb. Was he serious?

Trying to push him back a second time his grip tightened around my hips.

"Enzo I swear Iea-" before being able to finish his lips brushed against mine. Not innocently, more like a tease, hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding as if he missed, craved my lips on his.

I wanted to pull away before I lost myself, but I couldn't seem to. At that moment, my senses had been seduced and I could no longer think straight.

Just as I gave in his lips crashed down on mine filling the space that was between us. I pulled him down by his collar kissing him back in an instinct to which he smirked in appeasement.

Without adding a word, he took my hand and dragged me through the hallway opening the door to my bedroom.

I was surprised by how fast he had found it; my room was at the end of the hall and nearly impossible to find in case anything was going wrong.

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