33 | drowned blood

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Feeling something heavy on top of me I was prepared to find Enzo's face again nuzzling between my breasts and his arm dropped over my rib cage sleeping without a care in the world as if he wasn't suffocating me which he frankly did too often

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Feeling something heavy on top of me I was prepared to find Enzo's face again nuzzling between my breasts and his arm dropped over my rib cage sleeping without a care in the world as if he wasn't suffocating me which he frankly did too often.

Every fucking night.

Sure, I would kick him once or twice each and every place I could hit, face, grown, eyes, stomach and sure my hand would sometimes also magically hold his nostrils close until he couldn't breathe and would push me beneath him to sleep on top of my breasts soundly as if my tits weren't hurting enough.

Once I had enough, I opened my eyes ready to kick him off the bed when I noticed it wasn't him who was dropped over me.

It was Isa sitting directly on my stomach over the comforter I had dropped over my body, grinning at me while stabbing both my breasts with her elbows propped on them as if they were tables.

Rubbing my tired eyes, I set up causing her to fall almost off the bed.

Steading herself I asked, "I am not even going to ask why you were sitting literally on top of me so tell me what you are doing here at..." Turning to the nightstand I glanced over to the watch throwing my head back onto the pillow

"It's two Isa what are you doing up so early?"

"Do you think this dress would fit her?" Octavia suddenly appeared with Cecilia from my walk-in wardrobe.

What were they all doing here so early, did I miss something?

With all the searching and stress on finding Gonzalés I had nothing else in my head or better I couldn't afford to think about other things while such a big thread hung in front of our doorstep.

Sitting up better she clapped her hands loud enough for Enzo to hear it in his sleep as well mouthing a yes before turning back to me.

Growling next to me Enzo threw his arm directly into her face to which she slapped him on his own cheek before kicking him away from us.

"You want to know why we are up so early?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. Wasn't that what I said or was I thinking this all in my head and not saying it out loud?

Nodding she jumped off my body lying next to me grinning. "My birthday is soon." She answered excited punching Enzo's pillow a few times before lying her head back on the cushion.

"Your birthday is next Monday. You still have three days Isa." Now that was one thing I wouldn't forget even if I was busy and even if I would, Isa wouldn't let me forget it.

"It's never too early to celebrate." Sighting I glanced over my shoulder seeing Octavia and Cecilia going through my clothes and occasionally holding them up their own body seeing if it fit them.

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