37 | drowned blood

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The period of one's greatest popularity, vigor, or prosperity. A recourse people needed to see, even though they owned two eyes. It was an archaic, high spirit, interjection that was used to express elations or wonders.

I was fascinated by those high spirits, interjections that were used to express elations.

Most of the time, I was preoccupied with watching the city come alive at night. How each window turned from a midnight blue to a fair golden light.

Everyone had a myth behind those windows.

The one lady was probably sitting alone in her living room, missing her deceased husband.

The other woman was probably loving how the man was making her feel by rubbing his thumb over her clitoris.

The other man was probably spending some time with his daughter he only got to see on weekends.

You never knew what was happening behind a closed door. Just like I didn't know what was happening behind mine.

I was standing in front of the window, to big two large black doors behind me with a clay black snake which led to Mr. Russo's office.

He was privately asked for me to come by his office and after the interaction, we had a few months ago where he had taken me with him to his home; I hadn't had time to speak with him much.

Training, fighting, building, learning. All this had made me so exhausted I would go straight to bed if the blond girl would not stand in front of my door and force me to go out with her.

Tapping my foot impatiently the whole time, I immediately stopped as I heard the doors open behind me.

Taking a breath, I turned around seeing one of his men give me a quick nod before leading me in.

I loved his office and had been here only one time when he had brought me the here very first time to talk to me about why there was a bounty on my head.

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