Chapter 12: The Beginning Of The End

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Elenor and Helen ran off to go and open the portal again so they can get to the regular dimention.

Helen: Okay, were here.

Elenor:(Looking around where they were and it looked like they were in the middle of no where) Where is here?

Helen: Just wait.

Then Helen walks onto a trap door that didn't have a handle on it and started to kick it.

?????: What's the password?


Elenor:(as the door opened) Where are they?

Helen: Their are no octolings. That's the password.

They walk in there and as they do, Elenor realizes that the guy who asked for the password was Octavio only instead of being an octopus, he was a squid. They walked into the bunker and into another room and in the room was a bed, a desk, and a night stand. Helen opened the door and puled out a small orb that was glowing a little bit.

Elenor: How is that supposed to take us to my dimention?

Helen: Just hold it to your mouth, whisper " take me home", and throw it the way you would roll a bowling ball.

Elenor did exactly what Helen told her to do and the portal opened and they walked through it then they got to the regular dimention and Helen was surprised that it was not in ruins.

Helen: Wow. It's bright during the day here! Are you sure it's not night?

Elenor:(laughing at Helens reaction to the sun during the day) It's day.

Helen:(realizing that Elenor is laughing) Stop laughing at me! Nothing's funny!

Elenor: Your reaction is kind of funny. (confused) You're still an inkling. That's weird.

Helen: Inklings and octolings from this dimention probably change to look like them selves when the go through a portal to another dimention.

Elenor: That makes sense.

Helen: So, now what?

Elenor: Now, we can play turf war or we can play ranked battles. You can choose.

Helen: The great turf war is going on here?

Elenor: No, it's a game. You're supposed to cover as much of the stage in your ink as you can in 3 minutes. Also there are 2 teams that normally have 4 players each.

Helen: I guess I want to try turf war.

They went into the lobby to play turf war. They were playing in The Reef and the other team was all octolings and Helen was the only inkling playing. They started playing and out of no wear, a sanitized inking and sanitized octoling were there. Then, the enemy team started to disappear one at a time until the enemy team was gone. After the other team was gone, Elenor realized that they weren't leaving because they were being attacked.

Elenor:(to the rest of her team) Guys get to the spawn!

Helen:(after supper jumping to Elenor) What's happening?

Elenor: We're being attacked! If we get to the spawn then they can't hurt us.

Helen: Good idea.

Then they supper jumped to the spawn and realized that the rest of her team was gone.

Helen:(scared) What's happening? Where did they go!?

Elenor: The sanitized inklings and octolings probably got them.

Helen: The what?

Elenor: Sanitized inklings and octolings are being mind controlled.

Helen: Okay.

Then Veemo hears a quiet click sound and she realizes what it is.

Veemo: Elenor, run.

Elenor: Why?

Veemo: The spawn's off. Run some one's probably there.

Elenor:(turning around to see Elisariana) Helen run!

Helen: You're scaring me Elenor.

Elenor: Just run and go get the police.

Helen: Why aren't you coming with me?

Elenor: Just go get the police.

Then Helen left to go get the police.

Elisariana: You messed with me.

Elenor: Yeah, and now you're going to jail.

Elisariana: No. You messed with me and I'm going to get my revenge now.

Elenor: Wait, what!?

Then Elisariana puled a bullet gun out of her pocket and shot Elenor in the head. Then Elenor died and Elisariana left before the police that were sanitized got there even though they weren't coming.

                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED

                                                                  End of "The Rise"

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