Chapter 39 - Izuku 1

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A/N: So, let me explain. I'm going to continue Bakugo's storyline of course, it still has a lot more to unravel in terms of plot, especially to prepare for the second book. BUT, it's been a constant itch in my brain to write the alternative universes where she ends up with one of the other three. These endings won't be nearly as long as Bakugo's. I also wanted to incorporate some key points of the main My Hero Academia plot that would help fuel her relationship(s) with the other three. Let me explain this in a way that I hope makes sense because even I got a bit confused when I thought about my outlining for this book. So, with Izuku, I'll go over the arc starting from their cohesion in the provisional license exam and all throughout the Eri arc. That arc will prove to be a key point in their relationship in my AU, and other arcs will apply to Jirou and Denki. I'm not going to rewrite Florence waking up unless it is in a memory my character is recalling, but obviously events will be altered from her waking up to best suit her "route" with the other characters. For example, in Izuku's AU: He was the first one to hug her and reach her, not Bakugo. Just alterations to the past week from her return after a month, which is nothing too large. Also, there will be a minor time skip with Bakugo and Florence so readers won't get frustrated with rereading arcs that were already written with the AUs, with the OBVIOUS alterations where she spends her time with Bakugo in the main storyline. So please, reach out and ask any questions if you're confused at all with my writing, I don't mind elaborating on anything! Just view these AUs as a separate storyline that has no real correlation to the main book anymore: after all, Bakugo is her real ending that applies to the initial story. If you guys want the full details of her arcs after the provisional license exam with Bakugo, let me know and I'll rewrite the Eri arc according to the real story in my perspective!


I was relaxed on my desk, gaze flitting to Izuku every so often as he mumbled about what alterations his hero suit could potentially need in the future.

"What are you staring at, Flower?" My cheeks burned at the nickname he gave me since training camp.

Things have changed between him and I, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint when it happened, it was just so gradual that it surprised me when I finally began to notice how differently he treated me. There were moments where he would shower me with compliments, praising me as if I was Aphrodite and he was a mere worshiper, but then there were times he was so serious that I had to look away from the intensity of his stare. When I woke up, he never wanted to leave my side, he would even spend some nights sleeping on a mattress beside the one I shared with my mother in my dorm.

All Might also became attached to me, I often would sit with the two users of One for All in the teacher's lounge as they would discuss the fall of the Symbol of Peace and the legacy left behind for his successor.

"I'm staring at a fanboy." I muttered, turning away to bury my face in my arms, hiding the shyness I suddenly felt. We looked at each other for too long, our playful touches lasted more than they needed to, and we would say things that were becoming too meaningful and sweet, things that you wouldn't say to someone who was just your friend.

I don't know what it's like to fall in love, I always had false figments of what the definition of love is like, would I ever meet a person that makes me head over heels just with their presence?

My eyes once more drifted to the green curls, the freckles, the curled eyelashes and soft lips. I smiled without intention.

Maybe I have met the person.

As soon as those words crossed my mind, I blanched, sitting straight in my desk as a hand flew over my mouth, eyes bugged out from the stupidity that came behind the notion.

I do not deserve someone like him, don't even think about it again.

"What's wrong, Florence?" Izuku had his hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly as concern flitted through his features.

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