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You haven’t really thought about this until now but living with someone is very hard. Afterall, you have to wait to use your own bathroom.

“Izumi-san, hurry up! I need to go to work!” You exclaimed through the door.

“Mhm~ Did I hear something?” Izumi said in a singsong voice. He was washing his face. Ever since he moved in, your bathroom has been filled with all sorts of cleansers.

“I said I need to go to work!” You yelled.

“Why don’t you just go?” Izumi teased.

“I need to use the bathroom,” You said.

“You need to shower and stuff, right?” Izumi asked.

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Ah, what a coincidence. I’m about to take a shower, too. Shower with me!” Izumi exclaimed.

“Are you crazy?!” You exclaimed.

“Yes, crazy in love.”

Izumi chuckled at his own (lame) joke.

You sighed. Just then, your phone rang. You picked it up to see Izaya’s caller ID.

“Good morning,” You mumbled.

“Good morning, [Name]-chan. What’s wrong? You’re unusually late,” He said.

“Ah, Izumi have been hogging the bathroom all morning,” You complained.

“Why don’t you come over to--”

“You don’t know how horrible I look when I wake up. No way am I going over there like this!”

Just then, Izumi finally opened the door.

“You can come in now,” He said.

You hung up.

“Thanks, Izumi-san,” You said as you quickly raced into the bathroom and closed the door behind you.

Izumi slumped against the door and smiled to himself.

“I just saved your dignity. You owe me one.”

“One hour!” Izaya exclaimed as you came through his door.

“Am I really that late?!” You exclaimed.

“I’m afraid so~” Izaya said.

“Will you cut off some of my pay?” You asked.

Izaya had a huge smirk on his face, making yourself afraid for the answer.

“No, but there will be punishment,” He said.

“What is it?”

“A kiss~” Izaya exclaimed.

“No way, this isn’t some sort of game!” You exclaimed.

“A cut off your pay, it is~” Izaya exclaimed.

“F-Fine!” You exclaimed, “I’ll give you a kiss.”

Izaya bent over a little and drew his head closer to yours. You hesitated, but eventually, you placed your lips on his and give him a nice, long kiss. When you withdrawn from him, Izaya was grinning from ear to ear.

“Colgate toothpaste, eh?” Izaya asked.


“I was checking whether you really brushed your teeth or not,” Izaya teased.

“Of course I would!” You exclaimed.

Izaya patted your head and took a lock of hair in his hand.

“You showered, too.”

“Yeah…” You said, awkwardly.

Izaya pulled you in a bit closer and sniffed your neck.

“I don’t recognize the scent, though,” He stated.

“I-Izaya?” You stammered.

Izaya suddenly realized what he was doing and pulled away from you.

“Ah, let’s get to work now, [Name]-chan,” He said.


“Don’t be late from now on, okay?” Izaya said.

He turned his head away, blushing.


You turned your head, as well, but you couldn’t hide your happiness.

“I’m going to kill that idiot for making me late.”

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