Shoni Wedding

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 Toni looked herself up and down in the mirror and when she caught her own eyes she was shocked by who she found looking back at her. Never in a million years did Toni Shalifoe think she would be here right now, with her two bridesmaids and her maid of honor doing last second preps in the dressing room for her wedding.

"Are you nervous?" Martha, who had been flattening out and fixing her suit to make sure she looks perfect for her day, asked her.

"Nervous? Nah I'm never nervous," Toni replied with a smile, feeling her heart rate pick up as she replies and trying to keep her hands steady.

"Yeah okay Shalifoe, tell us how you're really feeling now," one of her bridesmaids, Rachel, replied.

"I feel like I'm going to shit my pants." The four of them laugh, "Seriously though, don't get me wrong, I've felt confident about this day for years, even before I proposed but now it's finally happening. I know some people get cold feet about their wedding and some even run but I know today will be perfect and in a couple of hours I'll be walking out of here as Mrs Shalifoe instead of miss Shalifoe and I like the sound of that. It's just scary."

Martha speaks first, "I think we all remember how much of a wreck I was on my wedding day and it ended up okay and now I've got two gremlins running around. And I'm so proud of you Toni. You've come so far and it warms my heart to see how happy you are now. Now let's finish up with you so the three of us can do any last minute touches on the rest of us."

Martha does one last check over on Toni and makes sure she puts her vows on the inside pocket of her jacket where she wouldn't forget them before Toni takes a step back and allows three of her closest friends to look over themselves in the mirrors. Toni looks over at the smaller mirror that hangs on the wall and takes a minute to look at herself once again.

Here she was in an all black suit with a white bow tie and shiny black dress shoes. She refused to let anyone put makeup on her. She wanted to stick to her roots so the best Martha got was brushing her eyebrows to make them look tamed. Toni knew how much Shelby loved it when she kept her hair down, so she did just that. Her hair fell in waves over her shoulders and when she stared into her own eyes she smiled before turning around.

"You know, Fatin, I thought you were joking when you said you wanted to wear a suit to my wedding, but you pull it off a lot better than I thought you would have."

"I know right? I feel and look like a million bucks and I didn't think I would be able to rock it so well either but here I am. It almost makes me want to get married right now while I look so good. Hey Rachel, wanna take over this wedding and get married?"

Rachel gave her a look that matched her words pefectly, "Fuck no."

Fatin put her right hand over her heart and put a hurt face on, "You could have rejected me a little easier, no need to be rude. Well how about you Martha, wanna leave your husband and get hitched?"

"It would be an absolute honor to marry you, Fatin," Martha replies with sarcasm written all over.

"That's the spirit!" Fatin looks down at a text from Dot, "Alright party people, Dottie says it's time to go get Toni married."

Shelby paced around her dressing room, her three friends staring at her frantically trying to calm her down- at the very least to get her to stop moving. Down the hall Toni was cool, calm and collected but Shelby couldn't have been any further from the tranquility Toni managed to have.

"What if she doesn't show up? What if someone objects? What if she runs out of the weddin' with someone else in the crowd and forgets about me completely? I'm freakin' out man. Oh man I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do."

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