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1. Decide your position! Any position that says OPEN in the Positions chapter is available! Be sure to check in with Your leader at times!

2. You'll need a name after all-
First Name and Last Name

3. Images-
This will be for your own introduction chapter. I'm on mobile, so you can send a link to my PMs or tag me if you have an image in one of your books!

4. Make sure you add the Anbu book to your reading list for any updates! Stuff the In-Commands share (or the Hokage herself)  is extremely important.

5. Lastly, come up with a small introduction or backstory! You can read a few of our current members intros based on their chapters to get a feel of what I mean. I'm sure you'll get it by then!

Incase you needed a clue as to how it would look -----👇




Position you're applying for:


Shinobi Rank:

Small introduction:

Would you like to join the ANBU Discord server?:
👆 If so, PM your tag-

Have you added the book to a reading list/library:

Thats about all you need!! As said before- you can incline comment the form here OR pm me the form! Dont forget to provide your face claim in PMS as well!!


ANBU BLACK OPS II: THE NEXT GENERATION (OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now