Kiba Inuzuka

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Name: Inuzuka Kiba

Age: 27, but I can still kick your ass with no problem!

Age: Male

Position: Tracking/Sensory Unit Leader

Clan: Inuzuka, but that one wasn't obvious

Intro: Yo! I'm Kiba Inuzuka, and this is my partner Akamaru. I'm really only here to make sure my kid cousin doesn't do anything stupid....only kidding! I'm just here trying to help out anyway that I can, I don't go on too many missions nowadays anyway. I love a good walk with Akamaru- we could walk forever if we could. I dont like anything chewy, but I do like steak, beef, - anything meat related, I'll be there! Eh! That'll be it for now- I dont have much else to share! See ya!


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