Part 3

376 5 23

Adrien: I have a BIO test to study for soo.. 

Marinette: you need help?

Adrien: Yeah kinda, I was absent..

Marinette:  Oh? were you not feeling well?

Adrien: something like that.. [love sick for my one true love ladybug]

Marinette: Okay well I can sorta catch you pup.

Adrien: pup? like puppy? Okay Daddy..

Marinette: no I meant up! wait DADDY??

Adrien: I'm just messing around! pff! 

Marinette: Oh right! Okay well I wasn't at school the day before yesterday so if we need more help we can just call Alya. 

Adrien: Yeah I hope it doesn't come down to that though. 

Marinette: why

Plagg: *whispers* Because he want's to be alone with you dum dum

Adrien: I mean what if it does come down to it and she's unavailable


Adrien: *stiffens up* 

Marinette: What was that??

Adrien: My..uhh..My phone! ... It's broken so it sounds weird hehe..

Marinette: oh no how'd you break it?

Adrien: Akuma! yeah it fell into the lake while we were driving away!

Marinette: oh that's too bad.. SO i guess the speakers just clogged?

Adrien: yepp!

Marinette: okay, well I hope you get a new one!

Adrien: Yeah, I mean NO! I'm just gonna get it fixed hehe.. [ehh]

Marinette: yeah that's good

Adrien: Yeahh... ANy way i was having trouble with this uhh the nucleus *holds up a random piece of paper*

Mariette: the.. study sheet? 

Adrien: *looks at the study sheet in his hand* uh ye-yehah it's I just don't understan- the information isn't- I was hoping you'd help me study!

Marinette: Oh. Ok! *stares at the paper he continues to hold up* "The nucleolus is the middle of the cell. It's positively powered, and is a vital part of any cell." Does that make sense?

Adrien: Yeah... Noo

Marinette: here we can watch a YouTube video.. *her phone dies instantly as she pulls it from underneath the blankets* shoot..

Adrien: ... *terrified she's gonna ask to use his phone*

Marinette: hey could we use your phone?

Adrien: yeah! *Takes his phone out and clears his search history* 

Marinette: sweet 

Adrien: *types in "The cell nucleolus"* 

Marinette: peers at that watch later with her eyes glued to the little red watch bar under "Sexy hot uncensored-"

Adrien: *notices her view point* mhh..

Marinette: *eye contact*, *no eye contact*

Adrien: *blushes a little* 

Marinette: why were you-

Adrien: I get-

Adrienette: you want to-?

Marinette: watch a little p-

Adrien: watch the nucle-

*red faces*


Marinette: ...

Adrien: ....

Marinette: well why would YOU-

Adrien: *clicks on the video* 

Marinette: ....

Adrienette : *waiting for it to load*

Marinette: *accidently brushes a finger against his thigh*

Adrien: Marinette- just wait a second will you..

Marinette: *grabs blanket*

Adrien: oh.. sorry


Adrien: load da**it!

Video: *video loads* 

Marinette: *blushes way harder*

Adrien: see? It's a.. meme compilations video


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