Part 4

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uhh this one's kinda dirty just a bit (viewer digestion advised and junk)

Adrein: hey Marinette! we got a lot of work done yesterday..

Marinette: oh y-yeah!!

Adrien: did you wanna.. study again?

Marinette: OHH UHHH I'm just gonna hang out with a tuna melt! 

adrien: Can i come

Marinette: in my mouth? *blushing*

Adiren: *nearly hyperventilates* no... just with, we could do homework at my place? we could make it like a little date- A-as friends! freind date- day.

Marinette: Oh yeah but i gotta clean my room first theres a lot of bugs and ladys so its a little crowded!

Adrien: Yeah but its at my place remember?

Marinette: yeah i agree we did get a lot of work done last night

Adrien: curiosity really did kill this cat... 

Marinette: sorry that was a dream

Adrien: Yeah hanging out with you was like a dream we should do it again some time like say, for instance today? at my house?

nino: *cough* DESPERATE!

Adrien: nINo sHuT tHe f*Ck uP------------------

Marinette: Um you're not gonna try to netflix and have- um try- try to.. like make love-

Adrien: *shoves a hand over her mouth and whines a bit in fear* Marinette... a lot of the things you say don't make sense and the thing you just said is not going to be brought to the surface by my own volition.

Marinette: okay- cause i just think there's a lot of words a like things that cause- well destruction and- ****ing so- 

Adrien: *adjusts himself* what?

Marinette: In movies...

Adrien: Ohhh! right right right! And if we watch a movie and there's a dirty part we can skip it! wait so you actually just wanna hang out after school? like no studying?

Marinette: oh i meant studying the movie for like my film class! Did i forget to mention i need to study for my film class?

Adrien: um yes you did but that's okay! we can totally watch what ever movie you need at my house- EVEN IF ITS NOT ON DISK YET! 

Marinette: uhh okay thank you but its on Netflix so that's why i wanted to warm you, p*rn you, score you, pork you, tour you- F*ck you- f*ck, you know, um just wanted to make sure it was out of the air.

Adrien: any tension? yeah got it!

Marinette: that! that's what i mean!

Alya: make sure you bring condoms-

Marinette: we wiln't-

Adrien: that's a no right?

Marinette: its uhh- yes.

Adrien: It's a yes? *his eyebrows turn upturned* 

Marinette: It's not a yes and no no's are so no- not not a no- 

Adrien: i just want us to grow closer as friends but i don't wanna scare you by saying that...

Marinette: if the things that would happen don't that's a completely cool manner in fact- 

Adrien: I'll just bring the... things and see what happens marinette... 

marinette: can you bring the stuff that goes in your mouth?

Adrien: the? hm... e-easly marinette...I can...I'm so guilty by how much i can put in your...mhhh...

Marinette: like.. pringles? and beugals right?

Adrien: oh- stuff that goes in your-! AH! I yes! I can do that- Can bring snacks! I can give you chips and such of course i can!

Marinette: Okay great so ill text my mom cause she already asked if we were gonna hang out again yesterday. And she gave me- umm *blushes a bit* it st-starts with a C... which right? like sooo embarrassing and I'm like "mom stop we're just friends" 

Adrien: *sniff*

Alya: uh oh adriens having a meltdown-

Adrien: You... your parents know about-? you talk about me to your parents? *tears*

marinette: yeah we have friendship yes?

Adrien: I didn't know you thought of me as- as a friend... i thought you though i was annoying and-

Alya: yeah marinette loves having w*t dreams about people that annoying the sh*t out of her like cat- 

Nino: too far! TOO FAR!

Adrien: *didnt hear nothin* Im so we're friends- because  i thought we were but i didn't know if you did!

Marinette: we're all friends all four of us!

Adrien: oh- right... the four of us. 

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