Chapter 3 House Of Research

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Amber, Mara and Nina's room

The three members of the college sat around on the bed and filling each other in with the hole touch stone of Ra Incident.

"And then Alfie found these picture's of Sophia that dated back for a few decade's at least" Mara started. "Woah so this girl was on the elixir of life" Amber said in a confused tone, "Exactly" Mara said Eyeing her too least favrioute people. They soon learned about the hole of Sophia's plan and what lead to her 'demise'. "Woah, and that happened all within the span of 48 hour's" Nina began. "Something like that" Mara said Nodding to Nina, "Okay so the game plan today is we research the new ceremony to get eddie's power's back, While Kt and Patricia check out Victor and his status with the touchstone, while Eddie and Alfie go and investigate the stone cold Sophia" Amber said, "Mara.." Nina Began, are you sure you dont want to be a member of Sibuna.." Nina asked Mara who was now comtimlateing the idea, "I-" Mara began, "It's Just that if you are you have more chance of being warned about the great evil that is if it's coming," Nina added. Mara Looked over at them, ""No Im sorry, But please inform me if there is something you can't solve" Mara said as she exited the door. As she was leaving Patricia walked in, "Hello" Patricia Said to both Nina and Amber, "Hey" Nina and Amber began, "So about the roommate situation" Patricia Said Eyeing Mara's bed, "I Think I can convince Joy to convince Mara to Move, meaning Kt could stay here" she added. "Awh" an upset Amber began "why won't you stay with us?" Amber Exclaimed "Because" Patricia said, "Me and Kt don't exactly see eye to eye and i'd like her to make a few more friend's" she added. "That's very thoughtful of you" Nina said eyeing one of her good friend's. "Yeah, I agree" Amber said Lying.

The dining Room

"So Mick How was Australia?" Fabian asked Mick who was now downing a hole jug of orange juice. "It was good it was good, But when I heard they had a PE course here I just had to come back" Mick said. Mick now Looked at Mara who was now holding Fabians hand, "Wait are you too..." Mick started, Amber and Nina stared at the drama that was about to ensue. "Yup" Mara said Looking at Mick. "That's great new's he said but what about Nina..." Mick said Looking at Nina. "Oh well We broke Up... Again...." Nina said in a tone that killed all the background chatter. "Oh Im sorry to hear that Mick added". All of a sudden a sad Willow came into the room, "Hey Willow what's up" Alfie asked. "I have to leave Anubis house,". "What!!?" Joy Mara and Alfie and Jerome said Simualtionusly. "You see because of me wanting to decline the soclarship they rented out the room downstair's to Mick meaning there wouldn't be enough seats at the dinning table for me" A sad Willow said. "I leave in tonight," Willow said looking at the ground. "But you can't..." Alfie said Looking at his soon to be ex girlfriend. "This is all you're fault Jerome" Joy said leaving the room in a huff. Willow and Jerome and Mara and Mick ran out to try to calm down Joy. "Okay what's the game plan" Kt asked, "Okay so while they are gone Me Amber and Fabian will go to the Anti chamber to see if we can find any idea how to preform this ceremony, While Kt and Patricia question victor about the touchstone while Eddie and Alfie go to the original pyramid near the sibuna clearing" Nina said in one sentence, "Yes because Im sure old frobbie would love to know that we are starting up our club again just to unleash another great evil" Amber said, "Well Amber it's not Like we have much choice Eddie has to get his power's back" Kt said while looking at a distressed Amber. "Yeah Kt is right" Patricia added, "What about Willow?" Alfie asked, "Im sure everything will work out" Amber said Looking at Alfie, "In the end it always does,".

The Kitchen

"Okay Nina" Eddie said looking at Nina "I think you will need it to get into the oven Remember" Eddie said this as he held out her locket that Sarah had given to her in her first week of being at the house, She had missed it so much, It had a picture of of Sarah in it that she immediately looked at and gave a small grin to, "Okay Alfie let's go" He said Eyeing an upset Alfie. Eddie and Alfie left the kitchen and headed out the back door to go to pyramid. "Okay Nina said let's do this" Nina put her locket up to the oven door and it opened, Nina had missed the sound of the tunnel door opening so much, that she even dreamt about doing it a few time's. Nina Fabian and Amber Entered through to the fimmilar stairway and down into the cellar where the anti camber door had been waiting for them, Fabian Promptly entered the code and they all went in. "I haven't Missed this place" Amber said picking up a few cobweb's of a few of Robert's Diary's, "Mean either" Fabian chuckled, Nina looked at the table where they had once saw all the amulets laid out for them, "It's still here" Nina said Pointing to their amulet's. They had left them there ever since they had completed the final task, Nina picked up the Ibis Amulet and Fabian and Amber picked up the camel and the spider one respectively and they put them on, "Okay" fabian said "Let's look for any book that looks like it would be used to guide for a ritual," The other's nodded and they started there search.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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