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the sun was only yet to rise when yuutaro sprang up from his bed to prepare himself for school on a tuesday morning.


he spun around to check what it was,

⌦ messages • 5:27AM
kunimi💫 sent a message

kindaichi swiped his screen upwards to view the message, wondering why akira was texting him so early.


5:27AM • Tuesday

i just so happen to pass by your neighbourhood so if u havent left yet, im picking u up

oh okay

ll see you then :)
Read 5:28AM


after sending the message, he did his usual routine. those of which were bathing, slipping on his uniform, eating, brushing his teeth, making sure he hadn't forget anything and then grabbing the keys to exit his apartment.


the elavator door opened, letting it's passengers out and onto its desired floors. kunimi, being one of those in the elevator, stopped at the 4th floor where kindaichi was busy slipping his shoes on.

"hi" kunimi yawned, making his presence acknowledged.

hearing the greeting, kindaichi immediately stood up. having he hadn't finished tying his shoes, he tripped. an action that was very embarrassing on his part.

from kindaichi's clumsiness, kunimi released a soft sound that sounded like a laugh.

"fuck you and your pretty face its not fair " kindaichi unintentionally cursed while picking himself up from the floor.

"cmon, now. lets go" kindaich continued on, unaware of what he had just  said and of the fact kunimi heard it.

kunimi decided he wouldn't bring it up because of a few of his own reasons and followed kindaichi who was heading to the elevator.

the elevator door closed leaving kunimi, kindaichi, an old man and a woman with their son.

the tension in the air was silent and awkward. making kunimi get the phone from his  sport's bag and proceeded to type something.


kunimi💫: were gonna be late :)


kindaichi  sent a reply.


kunimi💫: were gonna be late :)

oh wow i didnt even notice the time




kunimi💫: were gonna be late :)

oh wow i didnt even notice the time

what a helpful answer
help me plan an excuse you dum dum



a few more messages latera and they finally arrived at the ground floor and then got out of the lobby.

"why can't we just say we didn't notice the time pass?" kindaichi asked

"because obviously, if we say that, they'll question what we were doing to not notice the clock running." kunimi answered, kicking a pebble with his shoe.

"clocks dont run. and cant we just say the elavator was taking too long and that you picked me up?" kindaichi mumbled, no thoughts in his head.

"i cant tell if you're being serious. also that's too fruity" kunimi answered, picking up his walking pace to level with kindaichi's.

"aren't we supposed to walk faster considered were running late"

"thats too much work, my legs would give up and we dont even live that far from seijoh." kunimi replied.

"then i carry you, duh" kindaichi said, stopping his walking.

"as you insist" kunimi mumbled, carrying his weight on kindaichis back.

"now go" kunimi said pointing his finger in front of them.

kindaichi walked  faster.

"pleh i cant see anything because of your stupid hair" kunimi complained, tilting his head to the side, trying to get a view.

"you pass this road often so you would see the same thing anyways."

"well yeah but im higher up so its a new perspective from here"

"there isnt too much off a difference since were basically the same height so you're just higher by a few inches when i carry you." kindaichi pointed out.

"i dont care" kunimi pouted

"oh, were here."

"don't put me down, i feel powerful" kunimi said, gripping kindaichi's shoulders tighter.

"okay ill just let you down at the classroom."

unfortunately, the classroom windows weren't curtained so a lot of students and staff from different classes saw them.

"you said, me saying you picked me up was fruity but now your here on my back in the corridors." kindaichi snickered, to which kunimi said nothing.

"now you go down." kindaichi said,  crouching lower so kunimi can get down.

it was now 6:38AM and the students in Aoba Johsai (Seijoh) were having their lesson when the two students marked absent appeared at the door.

the teacher marked them tardy today.

on a plus side, they didnt need to make an excuse because they were never asked. lets say the professor had a vague idea of why they were late.

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