02 - smile

23 5 4

hi how do you do ( /*'▽'*)/

im having an irumatsu (dv3) brainrot atm but i have to write this chapter so hi, sorry if this is short


kindaichi was bored. so he picked up a pencil and started drawing on his math notebook. he drew kermit in a blanket. he doesn't know why, it just happened. and it happened to look rather decent. so he wrote on the corner:

'this is my most decent drawing
say hi to kermit
bc i give him to u'

 he folded the paper into four and passed it on to kunimi.

kunimi looked at the piece of paper hidden under his desk and allowed himself to smile a bit, making kindaichi's heart panic a little.

'hi kermit, im kunimi'

'smile more and make my heart explode, why dont u ( '▽'〃)'

when kunimi recieved the note, he blushed a bit which kunimi proceeded to try and cover by hiding his face, which to his dismay, made it much more obvious. but then a few moments later he smirked and wrote a reply.

'sure i will, look here now'

to which kindaichi complied. he looked to his left, finding kunimi smiling. you can say that kindaichi went red faster than you can say your own name.

the teacher soon noticed them passing notes and the conversation looked like this:

'this is my most decent drawing
say hi to kermit
bc i give him to u
hi kermit im kunimi
smile more and make my heart explode why don't you ( '▽'〃)
sure i will, look here now
..now i feel like you really are trying to kill me
maybe i am who knows <3
why'd you give the drawing to me anyways?

who else is worthy of kermit?
idk, maybe u? ur worthy of everything
now i feel like ur just writing that to see my reaction
i cant deny that
this is bullying my heart :(

"Mr. Kindaichi and Mr. Kunimi" they heard their professor say, making the class' attention transfer to the two.

"is there something you are writing that you'd like to share to the class?" the teacher asked, placing her hand in front of kunimi to acquire the note. kunimi gave it to her.

she read the note silently then places it on her desk.

 "lets continue shall we?" she said, eyeing the two individuals.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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