Chapter 1

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Drew was at the hospital, working. Most people would think it's just a normal day for Drew, but it wasn't. Today was the anniversary of when his sister, Kaitlyn, disappeared. They had been serving together when she had been kidnapped and taken hostage. They looked for her, but they had to stop when the tour ended. It killed Drew to leave her behind. Kaitlyn was a few years younger than Drew. The two had been very close growing up and Drew had been very protective of his sister. He felt guilty and had been blaming himself for her disappearance. Not only did he promise his parents that he would take care of her while they were overseas, but he also promised himself.

Just then, Drew's phone started ringing. "Hello." He greeted, answering it.

"Hello. Is this Lieutenant Andrew Alister?" A man said on the other line.

Drew looked around him. "Yes. What is this about?" He asked as he headed to the break room.

Jordan, TC, and Topher watched Drew rush to the break room. "Is Drew ok?" Jordan asked. "He seems distracted today."

"It's a rough day for him." TC said.

"Are you going to tell me why?" Jordan asked.

"It's not our place say." Topher said.

"But, you guys know." Jordan said.

"It's a military thing." Topher explained. "And it's personal to Drew."

"Hey Toph." TC said. "One of us might want to go in there." They all looked in the break room to see Drew sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. He looked stressed.

"Maybe we should both go in there." Topher said. The two of them walked into the break room.

"Drew, are you ok?" TC asked. Drew didn't answer.

"We know that today is difficult for you." Topher started. "If you want to take a break for a little bit, we're ok with it."

"They found her." Drew spoke up.

"What?" TC asked.

"Kaitlyn's alive." Drew said.

"How. How do you know?" Topher asked.

"I just got a call from an officer." Drew explained. "He said that they found her and she's alive."

"That's great, Drew." TC said.

"I have to call and find out where she is." Drew said, panicking. And I need to call my parents and older sister."

"Drew, calm down and take a deep breath." Topher said. "We'll figure everything out."

At that point, Drew broke down, crying. TC and Topher didn't know whether they should stay or leave. They opted to stay. They sat on either side of Drew and each put a hand on his shoulder.

"For years I thought she was dead and I blame myself for it." Drew said. "I was supposed to protect her over there and she was kidnapped."

"Drew, you know as well as we do that you are not at fault for that." Topher said. Drew then started laughing.

"What?" TC asked.

"My sister was found on the anniversary of when she disappeared." Drew said, still laughing.

"Drew, you're in shock." Topher said. "That's normal."

"We're going to give you some space." TC said. "Do whatever you need to do."

"We'll figure out where Kaitlyn was taken." Topher said. Drew nodded. TC and Topher walked out of the room.

"I'll call around. See if I can find anything out." TC said before walking away.

"Seriously, what is going on with Drew?" Jordan asked.

"It's not our place to tell you." Topher said. "If Drew wants you to know, he'll tell you."

Drew walked out of the room and TC came back over to them. "Did you find anything out?" Drew asked.

"She was taken to Johns Hopkins." TC explained. "I asked them to transfer her here. They'll leave in the morning and should be here by tonight." Drew nodded.

"Do you want to take the rest of the night off?" Topher asked.

"No, I'm alright." Drew said.

"Drew, I think you should take the rest of the night off." Topher said. "You just got some huge news. You don't need to be working."

"I'm fine. There's nothing more for me to do except wait." Drew said. "All I can do now is my job. At least that will give me a little bit of a distraction."

"Ok." Topher said. Drew walked away.

At the end of the shift, Drew headed to the locker room to change. Jordan walked into the room. It was quiet until Jordan spoke up.

"Drew, I don't know what's going on with you tonight and maybe it's not my place to know because it's a military thing." Jordan started. "But, I'm worried about you."

"You're right." Drew said. "I'm sorry."

"So, do you want to tell me what's going on?" Jordan asked.

Drew sighed and sat on the bench. Jordan joined him. "I have a sister." Drew said.

"I know you have a sister." Jordan said.

"I have a younger sister named Kaitlyn." Drew explained. "We served together and she went missing during our tour. Today is the anniversary of her disappearance."

"Drew, I'm so sorry." Jordan said.

"Earlier, I got a call from an officer who said that they had found her and she was alive." Drew continued.

"That's great, Drew." Jordan said.

"TC found out that she was sent to Johns Hopkins." Drew added. "He got them to transfer her here."

"I heard." Jordan said. "I know I can't really understand what you're going through like Topher and TC does, but I'm here for you if you need someone."

"Thank you, Jordan." Drew said, hugging her. "I really appreciate your friendship."

"Of course, Drew." Jordan said, hugging him back. "You want to go get breakfast?"

"I'd like that." Drew said. They walked out of the room and headed out of the hospital.

Drew's Little Sister(A Night Shift fanfic & Jordan love story)Where stories live. Discover now