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Ever since Ruv found out what his emotions meant, he's been a mess. He could barely hold a conversation with Whitty for one minute! It felt like whatever came out of his mouth, was yet another embarrassment for the poor Russian. Not only that, but this behavior caused Sarv to become very worried about him.

"Are you sure you're ok?", Sarv said, her eyebrows furrowed in a concerned way. "You can barely piece a single word together lately! It's like you're forgetting how to speak English! Not only that, but you've also been very down recently!"

"I'm fine, Sarv, trust me", Ruv assured her falsely. Not a single part of him believed that. Sarv gave him a skeptical look, then nodded. The strawberry-haired girl then went into the kitchen, came out with ice-cream, and disappeared into Carol's room. And then, following that, he heard them laughing at something that said "who the hell put mIcHaEl jAcKsON In Da fReEZeR".

Ruv blinked, staring at the door of Carol's room while Whitty wheezed in his. Whitty then walked out and pulled out some Cap N' Crunch, pouring it into a bowl. Then he poured the milk and put in a spoon, going to sit next to Ruv. The Russian didn't notice him getting a coffee, but he was handed one that was black.

Ruv sipped it lightly. It was the perfect amount of warm. Hot, but not hot enough to burn. Cold, but not cold enough to taste odd. Bitter, but not too bitter. Ruv found himself melting slightly, unintentionally leaning against Whitty. 

Whitty looked at him, the bomb blushing slightly. He wrapped an arm around Ruv and ate his cereal with the other hand. Then he turned on the TV and selected Netflix. Ruv, now a blushing mess, looked over as Whitty selected a show. It was titled 'Supernatural'. It began, and Ruv found himself enjoying it, forgetting the heat on his face as he watched.

There were laughs, cries, and love. But the love wasn't corny like how most shows do it. They showed off love naturally, instead of making it an overly big deal. It was a big relief from the freaking soap operas Sarv had them watch. It was just one episode last night, but it felt like 200. How the hell could she watch those without cringing?

Ruv finished his coffee and set the cup down, snuggling more into Whitty. It was Whitty's turn to feel those odd flutters. The bomb's breath hitched lightly when Ruv lay his head down on his lap.

Soon, the warmth that Whitty emitted began sucking the energy out of Ruv. It was calming. Eventually, he fell asleep to the sound of the tv and the warmth he felt. Whitty looked down at him, then moved so that Ruv's head was on his chest. He gently stroked Ruv's hair as he changed the show.

Whitty had decided that 'Supernatural' would be their show to watch. Watching it without Ruv just seemed rude and wrong. Whitty decided to switch it to 'Haikyuu', smiling once he saw his favorite characters on screen.

Eventually, the bomb's energy began going away. Whitty sighed and turned off the TV, putting his hand on Ruv's back as he too fell asleep. Ruv woke up slightly, blushing when he noticed how close Whitty's face was. He swallowed lightly, and gave Whitty a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Ruv slightly regretted his decision when Whitty opened his eyes. The Russian's face burned brightly as he frantically tried to find a way to run. Then Whitty grabbed Ruv's head and kissed him back, this time on the lips. Whitty then hugged Ruv and went back to sleep while the other squealed quietly. ((Ahah my heart do a bump bump)

Sarv walked out of Carol's room to put the ice-cream away, and immediately made weird squeaky noises. Carol walked out, wondering why Sarv decided to imitate a mouse. She immediately understood when she saw the two boys on the sofa, cuddling while fast asleep. Sarv put the ice-cream away and then took a picture of Whitty and Ruv, then both her and Carol snuck back into the room.





Ruv woke up, finding himself looking straight at a Whitty who was on his phone. He could hear laughter from the small screen as a bird seemed to potty-mouth its owner. Whitty, as a result, let out a small laugh as well. Ruv blushed at this, thinking it was kinda.... cute.

To think; they went from strangers to snuggles in only a couple of days! Not only that, but kisses!? Ruv didn't see any of this coming. He expected to come to this house, spend some time, and then get his own. He didn't expect snuggles, watching TV, and kissing a bomb. The universe has an odd way of putting people together.

Later, they went back to that amazing restaurant, eating the jambalaya again and talking. This time, they ALL got a giant margarita. It was called the Orleans Jumbo. Even though Ruv wasn't much of a fan of alcohol, drinking it was fun. They even had a race to see who could drink it the fastest.

Ruv was able to down it the quickest, seizing victory. Then he had to go throw up BECAUSE he drank it so fast. And then his throat was sore. And then he kept gulping down water and coffee. Then he regretted that too, as it resulted in him having no energy whatsoever.

"Jeez, man you're a mess", Carol laughed, pointing out Ruv's behavior. Ruv simply flipped her off, his head on the table as to get over a headache that just began. The table, other than Ruv, laughed.

Ruv then felt a pain on his face. A tight, sharp pain that was nearly unbearable. He immediately knew that he had smiled. Whitty patted Ruv's back, then asked Sir Pent to get them a couple of to-go boxes.

They headed back to the apartment holding a bag of to-go boxes filled with jambalaya. Ruv could tell that Sarv was becoming more casual. More like when she was with Ruv. Just her comfortable, normal self.

Guess they were gonna stay for a little while after.







I hope you enjoyed this chapter, cuz I sure enjoyed writing it!

By the way, emoji meanings are in the story description.

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