At the walls Part 4

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The Siege has begun

Breaking ,everything around my city was breaking.

The walls were being blasted by canons, larger than carriages. The Field within the city to hold cattle and horses, have been set ablaze. I don't know if I will ever see hell, but now, I know how it would feel.

I'm currently not within the palace. There is so much pain within the city that I could not bear to sit and do nothing. In the church, although I'm not a soldier directly risking my life, I feel that tending to the sick and wounded is a battle that is just as important.

"Ana don't you feel even if we survive the siege, if all of our good men are dead what would have been worth it." I asked her.

"My Lady I do not believe that war is worth it at all." she said with sadness. " I know that stupid because wars are fought so constantly. but In Heaven There Are No Wars so why are there Wars here? If the princes of the World are truly trying to make heaven happy." Ana said.

"You are truly a poet Ana" I said. I really don't know what else to say because everything she said was true. Wars are bloody and brutal and sometimes don't amount to anything power-wise everything just goes back to the status quo. But this has been the way for so long that I don't know when a universal peace will ever come.

"Now before we both try to become philosophers, let's get back to the situation at hand" I say. Ana smiled at me. I know she is trying to express herself and keep a hopeful spirit in these trying times.

Now since the main part of the church is filled up with the injured we have now had to move to the outside to tend the wounded. This is not as easy as it seems as several times in the day you will hear Cannon's break a building within the same street. Thankfully the church hasn't been hit yet.

" Lady Alexandra what are you doing here?" Ana said with surprise. Alexandra Braos was known to volunteer, but she volunteered on the other side of the city more near the safer sea lining walls.

"Princess I have Information that might be valuable" Alexandra said in a puff

"Valuable information? Forgive me lady Alexandra but why would you have that" I asked. I'm not trying to be mean but Alexandra has never been the most intelligent of individuals, nor the most politically active.

"I take no offense. I know this is out of character for me but I have met a man, a Turkish officer, who is willing to offer information if somebody important will be able to collect it." she said

"Lady Alexandra how do you know it's not a pirate from Genoa,who speaks Turkish and is trying to Swindle you." I said. Genoa was a settlement of Tradesman and Craftsman, On the other side of the Golden Horn.

She falls to her knees and starts to beg. "Please my princess help me, this man has information about my father and brothers whereabouts, they're no longer in the city. I don't know what happened," She said, starting to cry.

"What do you mean your father and brother are no longer in the city. where did they go"I asked genuinely confused. we're in the middle of the siege how did they get out of the city?

"I do not know princess, all I know is when I went to our rooms they were not there and I found a note that said that they we're in the ottoman camp." she said

"Have your Father and brother become traitors." I asked in a cold tone.

"I do not believe so my father might not be in favor right now but he's always remained loyal no matter what, and my brother has no reason to turn." she said very fast

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