Leap for the stars: After

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This is a small intro on what happens after leap for the stars, and how Maggie's story is formed..

Hi, I'm Erin Darcy. I'll be opening Rising Up, riding camp next week, for the summer. My hopes are it can train young riders to achieve their dreams of becoming professional jumpers, like I did at a stables in town, but in my camp- at no cost. An overnight camp including trail rides, riding lessons, swimming, crafts and more will be located 171 Redshire rd. South, in the country of NB. Horses will be permitted to be brought, if said ahead of time. Have a nice day!

I click the key on my computer to post the message on my website, without hesitation. Behind me, Carrie, Laura May, LiVvie and Carter squeal excitedely. Truth is; I'm double as excited as them- this is more than I've ever hoped for. My own camp! I could never ask for more.

Carter wraps his arms around me and I squeeze his hand. Not only excited, I'm nervous. It's been six years since I attended made my first appearance in a major show, in P.E.I, then continued my career as a professional jumper. Which also means four years I've stayed with this lot. I'm genuinely surprised I'm still the star of the equestrian community, after six years. Carter seems to be able to read my thoughts; like the person he is and smiles.

'You deserve this.' he says warmly. I let it echo in my head. I've worked for this. This opportunity is mine.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Carrie and pretend to be vomiting, and Laura May and LiVvie playing along. I roll my eyes, and to tease them, peck Carter on the lips.

'Get a room,' Carrie smirks.

'I remember have to say that to you and Lucas quite frequently,' I make a quick comeback.


Lucas is Carrie's boyfrien- fiance. I have to get used to the thought. She seems sort of young, but not too young. And I guess if they really truly love each other there's nothing holding them back. As for Laura May, she has a boyfriend; Lloyd. They've been dating for a few months, and they seem casual. And of course, LiVvie's single as a pringle. I've been keeping in touch with Maya and Anna, too. In fact, Maya is the sponsor of the camp.

I smile. I never thought we'd get this far still staying together as a group. But we have.


This is just the intro I know it's short, It's only really just a heads up on what's happening :) By the way, through out the book will be Maggie and Erin's POV's (point of views) it will say under the title, but just letting you know in case it gets confusing.

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