Chapter 2

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Abir hugged Mishti, he was so excited to see her and Mishti was equally excited.
A:: oh my God!! It's been forever I think six years. I stopped getting your emails and then somehow it kept coming back to me as email failure. I didn't know how to find you.
M:: aaahh!! Actually that email address was too childish and I stopped using it and then I forgot the password.... then I got busy with exams and everything else
A:: how is Naina? Where is she? How is she doing?
M:: she is doing fine and she is in Pennsylvania in PennState university doing child psychology.
A:: wow!!! That's awesome...
Waitress:: excuse me sir your food
A:: oh sorry.. could you please leave everything on this table. Thank you..... Mishti you ordered your food
M:: yea it should be here any minute
A:: so tell me when did you come here? Where do you live? What are you doing here?
M:: hold on hold on.... too many questions at once. Okay I'm here to do my Masters from NYU and I came here four months back and I'm living here three blocks from here as a paying guest with an Indian family.
A:: what? Three blocks and I live two blocks from here. But ofcourse it depends three blocks from which side left or right?
M:: right
A:: oh so it means we are just five blocks away from each other. Wow this is so exciting... how do you like it here
M:: it's good not bad, I'm still trying to get used to a lot of the things. At first I thought staying with Indian family will be a good idea but the aunty is too nosey, gets into my private things and then they have stupid rules which I have to follow where as they themselves don't follow all that, and I already payed 6months rent in advance so I can't even go anywhere else coz that will be wasting money which I really don't want to unnecessarily.
A:: that's right it's not easy to find places here in Manhattan that too for students.
M:: otherwise I like school, people are nice and friendly. Made some friends they are nice problem is I can't hangout with them coz the landlord had a deadline.
A:: what? Seriously? Don't worry I'll help you find a good place just manage these two months.
M:: so what are you doing?
A:: me? Just enjoying life... I'm a free bird and I just do whatever makes me happy. But if you are asking me what I do for living then I'm a computer engineer and work for Verizon.
M:: that's awesome, I was thinking of doing some part time job but I guess I'm going to wait two more months coz I can hardly do anything stating in the house.
A:: so did you take a tour of New York
M:: honestly, I haven't seen anything here. You believe I haven't even gone to Madame Tussaud's or Ripley's Believe it or not
A:: noway... okay what are you doing this Saturday?
M:: hmmm nothing much may be laundry and study
A:: are you kidding me? Fine Saturday and Sunday is booked you are going to spend these two days with me.
M:: hmmm Aaabbirr!!
A:: I'm not taking a no, you owe me this for not writing to me or even letting me know that you changed your email. Say yes!
M:: okay yes!
A:: woohoo!! Okay give me your phone number
That evening they exchanged their numbers and talked for a long time and later he walked her to her place.
Next day Abir texted her and told her to be ready by 10 o'clock because he wants to have breakfast before starting the day.
Saturday morning Abir went to pick her up in the morning, it was end of April and it was still lil chilly. Mishti wore a nice pair of white pants with a lavender color spring sweater. She got in the car and asked where are they going so early. Abir said it's a surprise. He drove her back to his apartment and said he did t want to walk five blocks and then five blocks back home that's why he took the car and he can't function without breakfast.
A:: so Ms. Mishti today's breakfast is specially made by me just for you. Aloo parantha, with paneer korma, kheer and desi chai
M:: wow!! You made all this?
A:: then why do you think my whole apartment smells like curry?🙄
M:: hahahahah I've noticed the ventilation here isn't that great and most desi houses smells like this after they cook.
A:: yea that's why I hardly make all this but when I really miss desi food I cook or else I go to Jackson Heights and eat in some good desi restaurants.
M:: I've been there once but didn't go to any restaurant there
A:: don't worry now that you found me we will go to places together
M:: mmmmm Abir this food is heaven. You won't believe I felt I was going to become toast or cereal soon, I can't believe you can make all this
A:: more than six years had to learn it no other option and thanks to Parul Maasi
M:: yea I remember you said she looked after you and your brother more like a mom to you
A:: yes and sometimes I wish she was my real mom anyway Madam if you are done with you breakfast so let's go, we will go to all those places you didn't go and then eat street food and walk around Manhattan and then I'll drop you home on time.
That day Mishti had so much fun she actually felt happy coming to America or else last four months she was getting home sick. Now she can't get out of that house and get a better place where she can cook whatever she wants, she can come home whenever she wants and does not have to leave everything like Cinderella. She can find a job without thinking about the schedule and also invite friends. Now that she found Abir she was so excited, it didn't feel that she met him after so many years, it was like catching up where they left. Only difference is he looks way more handsome than he did in school.
As he dropped her in front of her apartment
A:: don't forget tomorrow we are going to Six flag and wait for the surprise. I'll pick you up 9:30 and will grab something to eat after that
M:: what surprise?
A:: it's a surprise silly you will see tomorrow. Good night
Mishti couldn't wait for the morning but she was tired after walking around the whole day. She couldn't believe that suddenly she will meet Abir like this and everything will change.
Abir was super excited even he didn't understand why, Mishti was just a friend that too he only knew her for few months but why does he feel he knows her for ages. She always reminds him of his dad because whatever he remembers about his dad Mishti's thought process her ideologies are pretty similar, and not only that he felt she looks very attractive now she definitely grew up to be pretty graceful. But the height difference is still the same but he finds it really cute that everything is hard for her to reach, he thought about it and smiled.
Next day early morning he went to pick up Mishti with the surprise and when she came out she was really surprised.
M:: oh my God!! Is that Zuby (Zubair) and Ashu (Ashish) I can't believe it. Zuby you haven't changed at all and Ashu how did you get so tall?
She hugged them excitedly.
A:: oh hello! What do I get for this surprise only these two get everything and I'm just standing in one corner as if I didn't do anything. You didn't hug me when you saw me I had to hug you and you are hugging these monkeys
Ashu:: she is excited to see us may be she wasn't looking for you but you happen to come in front of her and she was like ok I'll take the small gift of life bigger gifts are yet to come
A:: just shut up 😡
M:: Abir thank you!!!! thank you so much. (She just kissed his cheek and gave him a big hug)
Abir has been living in States for so many years now but Mishti's kiss on the cheek felt very different and that was surprising for him.
Mishti seemed to be enjoying with Zuby and Ashu they are the boys from St. Xavier and also Abir's closest friends. They had so much fun in the park, they went on all the crazy rides, Mishi had no choice but to follow the boys even when she was petrified. They went on the rollers coaster which had few loops and it would hang you upside down, she was shaking as she sat Abir didn't say anything he just held her hand and squeezed it lil bit, she looked at him and he said "don't think just live, I'll hold your hand don't worry" she smiled and closed her eyes as the ride started. She didn't think she will enjoy the ride so much, when the ride stopped all she could see that Abir was still holding her hand and her nails were dug in his skin.
M:: oh my God Abir I'm so sorry
Abir being himself started his drama right away and his friends joined
A:: oh my God my first pyar ki nishani my first sign of loooooove.... I'm not going to wash my hand now
Zubi:: oh yea and then next time when you meet Mishti make breakfast with this hand and feed her yourself
M:: ewwww noway...
They all laughed and pulled her leg. After spending the whole day outside They dropped her home she hugged Zuby and Ashu some how she felt awkward hugging Abir she didn't know what to do and even Abir was acting weird, generally he is a big hugger and he hugs everyone his male or female friends it doesn't matter and he just couldn't figure out why everything felt so different so awkward with Mishti.
Mishti and Abir started spending more time they even drove to Pennsylvania to meet Naina not only that they all went to meet Kunal as they all heard about each other so much and they all hit it right away. It felt as if they know each other for decades, Kunal was happy to see his brother so happy, he has never seen Abir so happy, even though Abir likes to make everyone smile he will go above and beyond to help people but he is broken from inside. Kunal doesn't even remember his dad but Abir does, he just can't understand why his dad left the way he did and he never had a close relationship with his mom. He's very close to Nanu he loves Parul Maasi he loves Kunal but somehow he never got a chance to make peace with life he never shares his pain. Abir did date few people but somehow he couldn't find what he was looking for but he never disrespected anyone never hurt anyone and most of the girls ended up being his friend and they were sorry that they just couldn't match up.
On the other side Naina was happy that Mishti is not alone anymore and deep down she hoped that something happens between these two. But she knew Mishti is too dumb to even understand if she falls in love may be that's why she never even had a boyfriend.
Mishti and Abir was getting dinner ready and Naina looked at them and said
N:: awww they look so cute together
K:: did you just say they look cute together?
N:: oh you heard that?
K:: yea I did. And I'll tell you something honestly, they definitely look happy together
N:: oh wow!! Are we thinking of the same thing?
K:: but I know Bhai will never do anything that will make her awkward coz he wouldn't want to ruin this friendship
N:: and ofcourse she won't even understand even if she falls in love... oh God what do we do now?
K:: I'm sure we will find a way let me think... you also think
N:: how can I think right now?
K:: seriously? I meant think and then let's come up with some plan ASAP like in few days not in few minutes
N:: oh ok I get it.

Few more days passed Abir was talking to Kunal over the phone.
K:: Abir everything okay? You sound worried?
A:: yea Nanko I'm lil worried, Mishti has only one week and we literally forgot to find a place for her and now we don't know what to do, we can find Airbnb but that can't go on for long
K:: what's there to think about?
A:: what's not there to think about? Kunal she is my friend and she needs help
K:: that's what I'm saying. You own an awesome two bedroom apartment in the middle of the city so close to her college why can't you ask her to stay with you?
A:: are you crazy? How can I ask her ?
K:: with your mouth? Ok sorry I mean you are her friend and you are only giving her the extra room that's it. If she wants she can even pay you rent
A:: how can I take rent from her?
K:: Bhai first decide if you want to help her or not?
A:: yes I do
K:: okay so you are only helping her and if she doesn't agree then you can tell her that she can pay you rent just like any other place. And why does she need to tell her family who is the landlord?
A:: Nanko that's a brilliant idea but do you think it will be right to ask her. If she feels bad then?
K:: that's why ask her this question in front of Naina trust me she can help
A:: what do you mean? Why would she help? How do you know?
K:: trust me Bhai and didn't you help your other friends even before?
A:: yea they were boys
K:: why are you forgetting Savanna?
A:: ooooo yea I forgot she stayed one whole month till she found a suitable place
Later Abir called Naina and told her that he wants to offer Mishti to stay in his house and he needs help and she said to text her when he goes to meet Mishti and she will make a video call and pretend that she doesn't know anything and after that all he has to do is agree with her
Later in the evening Abir went to meet Mishti and as per plan he texted Naina that he is with her and Naina called
M:: hi Naina, what's up what you doing?
N:: nothing much just thought of checking on you. So did you find a place?
M:: no nothing yet.
N:: Kunal was saying why you don't stay in Abir Bhai's place
M:: what? Naina what are you saying? (She was lil embarrassed too as Abir was right in front of her)
N:: I mean not a bad idea, he has a nice apartment and also an extra room which he doesn't use
M:: Naina (trying to make her shut up)
A:: hey Naina... what an awesome idea... I was scared to say this to Mishti but honestly I really wouldn't mind if she stays. I had so many friends stay with me in fact I had a female friend who rented it for a month. But then her boyfriend didn't like the idea so she moved.
N:: hi Abir Bhai.... isn't that a great idea and Mishti Di will be paying you rent okay?
M:: Naina stop it. Can you imagine what Maa and Papa will say
N:: Di are you crazy? How would they know if you don't tell them. Just tell them you are sharing a room with an Indian friend.
A:: yea if you want I can't even pretend to be your Indian girlfriend. You want me to show you? (He starts talking in girls voice and starts walking like a girl, Mishti couldn't stop herself, she just laughed her heart out seeing his antics)
M:: but Abir ....?
A:: no Mishti there's no but or if.. I don't know what are you worried about?
M:: no I mean it's lil weird
A:: why? Just because I'm not a girl? Or I can understand if there's some trust issue, then I'm not going to force you neither I'll be angry because it's only natural and there's nothing to be upset about but I can only say that I will be your friend no matter what and my door will be open for you all the time.
N:: Di please say yes please please..... this way I can come and crash at Abir Bhai's place
A:: Mishtiiiiiiiii please!!! Then Naina can come and crash at my place
M:: okay fine! But I have some conditions
A:: huh!!! Oh no don't tell me I can't go out and bring my friends 🥺🥺
M:: no I don't mean that. I will pay you rent and we will share groceries and the basic things
A:: okay don't worry if you want you can't pay for my things also that will save me from paying bills (he gave a big smile)
M:: okay fine, also help me with my assignments
A:: oh no... no no no no... I'm not doing all that. I rather do your laundry than helping you infact anyone with studies... I'm so done I don't like studying
M:: okay fine you don't have to buy promise me you will teach me how to cook
A:: promise!!! And then you can cook and I'll eat

Abir, Ashu, Zuby came and helped Mishti to move and settle in Abir's apartment. First few days Mishti felt little awkward and Abir felt like a guest in his own house, but slowly they both settled down and Mishti started getting comfortable in the apartment, also she was happy to spend time with Abir because it was always fun talking to him or doing anything with him. Sometimes just sitting in the same room even without talking to each other, still felt good. Just the sight of Abir brightens her day. On the other side Abir for the first time he reached home, some how the void space he had wasn't bothering him anymore, he felt happy.....

So my friends I do plan to continue this story for sometime that's why they story is progressing slowly. Hope you all will enjoy the pace.
Take care stay safe stay healthy. My prayers for all of you and much love 💕

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