Chapter 7

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Mishti woke up early morning, it was still dark outside, she felt it was the right time to go back home before someone finds out in her house that she was not home but Abir was peacefully sleeping in her arms and he had his arm around her she didn't want to wake him up but she can't even leave without letting him know. She softly called his name but he wasn't waking up then she tried moving his arm
A:: don't go please
M:: Abir it will be dangerous if I go late
Abir cupped her face he was rubbing his thumb on her cheek
A:: I know, anyway five more days and then we can be together again. I missed you so much and specially now I need you and next five days will be very heavy on me.
M:: it will be heavy on me too coz I will be thinking of you all the time. Don't worry Jaan everything will be fine. I'm not asking you to be strong because you don't need to force yourself to be anything. If you wanna cry then just cry don't worry about anything or anyone. Just remember that your Mishti will be there for you no matter what and she will love you with her life. Abir I love you and I don't care about your background or whatever is happening in your life will never make me feel in any other way. I love you Baby
A:: I love you too Mishti I love you a lot.
She kissed him with so much passion and love, he felt she sucked out all the pain and filled him up with lots of love. He felt somebody just put his soul back in him. Mishti definitely makes him feel alive. He really didn't want her to go and lingered the kiss but he had no choice but let her go.
Mishti reached home safely and no one found out that she was not at home but when Abir reached his mom was already waiting for him.
Meenu:: Abir, where were you beta, we've been looking for you.
A:: why were you looking for me when I clearly said I wanted to be alone
Meenu:: because we don't want you to get hurt
A:: who would hurt me Maa? I'm tired of this hide and seek. I'm sure they have family too, does that mean they are hiding from us too? Does that mean we have people ready to hurt them wherever we find them alone and vulnerable?
Meenu:: no Abir, why should we hurt them but we know how dangerous they are and we can't take chances that's it.
A:: seriously Maa I'm tired and that's why I don't like staying here I feel I can't even breathe. Why can't we just finish this? Why do we even need to defend ourselves why can't we just go talk to them and finish this fight. It's not our fault we have not done anything that we have to live in such restricted life.
Meenu:: no never, we will never talk to them and we will never forgive them. So there's no question of anything and about living your life I think you are doing what you want and what is wrong to stay secured?
Abir looked at her in disbelief he felt his mom will never understand him and she will never let anyone live peacefully, he feels everything can get better but it's his mother who is not letting this end. He quickly walked to his room without any further argument. Next few days his mom kept strict guards around him, after Abir came back that night Meenu was suspicious because when Abir was talking, her eyes fell on a long hair on Abir's white shirt, ofcourse when he came he had marks on his neck and his mom thought someone in America but seeing the long hair she got lil fishy. Ofcourse Abir and Kunal did no mistake next few days and at last it was the last day and they were in the airport. Meenu went to drop her sons and felt Abir was being restless he couldn't wait to board the plane. She felt his eyes were looking for something or someone. The boys went inside to board the plane they thought their mother left and towards the gate Mishti came she held Abir's hand and walked inside, Meenu only saw the back of Mishti and just little bit of her side, she saw a girl with glasses. The obsessive mother came out and she wanted to know who this girl is with her son Abir. She was sure that he was with the girl that night and wanted to find out what's happening in her son's life.
Abir felt a sigh of relief when he boarded the flight, atlast he was with Mishti and now he couldn't wait to reach New York. He was happy to have Mishti beside her. When they reached America in the airport they saw Mohit who was waiting to pick them up, they were surprised and Mohit said he remembered their flight and he wasn't doing anything so thought of coming and also it's so late in the evening. They actually didn't mind Mohit coming it's better to get a cab and Mohit helped them with the luggage and also taking them to the apartment.
Abir offered him to have some tea coffee but Mohit said he will come back later one day to have a proper meal and it's too late and they came back from such a long flight so they should rest. Mohit was nice enough to also get some food so they didn't need to look for food late at night.
That night they just ate and went to sleep also Kunal had to go back next day.
A:: you know what I haven't slept properly last two weeks. That day with you I slept for few hours and I don't know why it was so difficult to sleep. Ofcourse after my dad's news things were different.
M:: I can imagine I'm sorry I couldn't be with you
A:: not your fault jaan but we need to fix this soon we can't hide forever and I don't want to be without you ever
M:: don't worry you don't have to be without me and we will fix it soon. Now come here and give me a right hug. I promise you will get very good sleep in my arms.
They fell asleep and next day Kunal left in the afternoon as he needed to settle down and get ready for his classes to start.
Even Abir and Mishti had to get ready for work and classes but they were so jet lagged also, they just wanted to rest on top of that Mishti just got her period making her feel lousy. She so wanted to jump on Abir but then she was tired and she didn't want to do anything during her period.
Next day they both had to start their regular life and Mohit told Mishti she can take two more days off so she just went to college. Next 3/4 days they both rested and trying to get back to normal and even Abir needed time to come to terms that he will never meet his dad ever and also the fact that he was not a good person, but coming back to America made it lil easy as he could breathe and not getting overwhelmed by his mother.
A:: so what's the plan for tonight, can I get some love from my wife
M:: you can get all the love from your wife but can we wait another day or something. It's not a good feeling when you are still mmm I mean you know.
A:: I know baby
M:: but is there anything else I can do to make you feel better.
A:: don't worry jaan I'm okay...
that night something happened to Mishti she sat on top of Abir and started kissing him all over
A:: Mishti what are you doing I thought you said not today.
M:: ssshhhhhh!!! Let me enjoy my husband.
She went down on him and pleasured him till he was undone. He couldn't believe she could do all this and how she knew what he likes the most and how he likes it. Abir is amazed how Mishti is evolving and showing him that she is ready to break the wall and just be herself.
Next day Abir had some extra work he had to finish he came home and very late and still worked from home and by the time he came to sleep was late but at least he was happy that it was one more day for weekend.
Next day when Mishti went to work she met Mohit
M:: hello sir, how come you are here in the morning?
Moh:: oh I had some work so I thought I'll just check and good I got to see you. How is Abir? He seemed disturbed the other day.
M:: actually yea he is little disturbed, the thing is he has been looking for his dad it's been a while and he found out that his dad pass away few days back and also it's a long story.
Moh:: oh I'm so sorry to hear that I'm sure he is going through a tough time.
M:: yea it's been rough for him even the trip itself was rough. It's pretty complicated and ofcourse as you know we couldn't even meet each other and all this happened so Abir couldn't even talk about me.
Moh:: that's definitely something no one wants to go through. Hey what are you doing this Sunday? May be you can Abir can come to my place and have lunch or dinner
M:: actually sir, after we came back we didn't get time to see his best friends so they will be coming. I mean if you don't mind why don't you come over coz Abir will be cooking and trust me he cooks really well.
Moh:: really? I would love to. Thanks for inviting me.
Mishti came home and told Abir and he was happy to host someone who was being nice to them, also Abir really felt comfortable with him.
A:: you know next weekend I'm going somewhere and I'm not staying in New York
M:: where do you want to go?
A:: I mean we are going and I need to make up for our Honeymoon. Seriously my plans of making love to you for day and night got ruined and I'm not letting that go.
Mishti coming close to him and put her arms around him, and Abir just realized she just changed into this silk nighty which made her look hot. He could see her cleavage and her breasts look so plump.
M:: so my hubby wants to make love to me day and night? (He couldn't take his eyes off of her) how about you give me a trailer
Before he could say anything she wrapped her legs around his waist and automatically he held her tightly, she kissed his neck and but him making him groan. He threw her on the bed and took off his shirt he walked close to her
A:: if that's what you want......
After a long time the room heard the sound of love, their moans echoed, their breathing in sync, their bodies became one. That night they forgot everything, it was only Abir and Mishti, he showed different colors of love, he showed different ways he always wanted to love her and when they woke up in the morning they felt complete, they felt it's time to move on and start fresh. Least they knew the storm is yet to start.
M:: good morning jaan
A:: good morning...
M:: did you sleep well
A:: never slept better, are you okay?
M:: yea, never felt better and for the body ache you are here to give me a good massage right?
A:: hmmm should I give you massage now?
M:: stop it..... didn't you have enough last night?
A:: that was last night, now it's a new day, new morning and new feeling of love
M:: new feeling of love?
A:: then what? Last night how I felt was different and now I'm feeling more love.
M:: how come?
A:: I didn't know my wifey could be so wild and crazy
He starts kissing her and as they start getting in the mood Abir's phone rang. It was a video call from his mom which he didn't want to answer but Mishti insisted that he answers so Abir just answered the call. As they were talking Mishti went for shower Meenu noticed fresh marks on Abir's neck and she saw something shining
Meenu:: Abir what's close to your head I mean under your pillow?
A:: what? (Nervous) oh nothing, it's my chain, I took it off in my sleep.
Meenu knew it was not his chain but she was getting concerned because she knew Abir is not someone who will play around this must be serious but she is surprised why he is hiding it, coz he was always open about his relationship and Meenu has never said no to him then why is he not saying anything.
Meenu:: so are you going to introduce me to your friend?
A:: friend? Which friend? You know my friends
Meenu:: I meant your special friend, the one who accompanied you to India and then back to America
(Abir was shocked)
A:: Maa it wasn't like that.... everyone had winter vacation she wasn't accompanying me
Meenu:: so that means you do have a girlfriend?
A:: Maa, we are just friends. Nothing serious, we are getting to know each other.
M:: I know beta, just don't do anything that will make you regret
A:: don't worry. Anyway I'll talk to you later you take care.
After he hung up Abir was stressed because he didn't know what to say to his mother and now that she knows there's a girl in his life she will definitely try to figure things out. He doesn't want his mom to create problems he loves Mishti way too much to make her suffer. When Mishti came out of the bathroom she saw him nervously sitting with his hand on his forehead.
M:: what's wrong jaan? Everything okay?did Maa say something?
A:: Mishti Maa know you came with me to India
M:: what? She knows who I am?
A:: no she doesn't but I'm pretty sure she will do everything to find out. I better tell Kunal not to open his mouth because she will try to trick him.
M:: okay don't worry babu, next time she asks just tell her that we started dating recently and my family lives here and I went to India on vacation with my family but I came back early for my school as family was staying for some more time. Okay jaan you understand me right?  Okay
Abir just nodded and later he also spoke to Kunal and made sure they are on the same page.
Next day Zuby and Ashu came over for lunch and Mohit showed up too. Abir cooked some delicious dishes and everyone was enjoying and Mohit was impressed and even told him that his cooking reminds him of someone, then Abir even read some of his poems, Mohit even wanted to buy Abir's paintings but ofcourse he didn't want to sell them but he asked Mohit to come to his office (study room) so he could choose a painting that he wouldn't mind giving it to him. Mohit followed Abir to his office and he was amazed with the paintings and suddenly his eyes fell on a picture in the book shelf.
Moh:: Abir this pic
A:: oh that pic? That me and Kunal with my grandfather. He is my buddy my Nanu.
M:: Nanu?
A:: yea, he is my Nanu and he is the original Rajvansh. In fact after my dad left my mom changed our names to Rajvansh and ever since then I've have become Abir Rajvansh from Abir Kapadia.
Suddenly he saw Mohit turning pale his legs are shaking he quickly held him by his arms.
A:: Mohit sir, Mohit sir!!! Mishti bring some water Mohit sir is not feeling well.
They all come running to the room where Abir is holding Mohit who is shaking
Moh:: Abir..... Abir.... my Abir
M:: my Abir? Sir are you okay?
Moh:: Abir!!! Oh God I must have done something very good..... I found my Abir...
A:: Mohit Sir what are you saying? Are you okay?

A takes out a picture out of his wallet and hands it over to Abir, as Abir looked at the picture he was baffled, he kept looking at the picture and at Mohit...

Hola my friends, hope you are enjoying this story and also do look at my other on going stories I'm sure you will like them too.

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