Chapter 3

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It was almost a month now that Mishti has moved in with Abir. Everything was going smooth Mishti was very happy, she was able to concentrate on her studies also took up a part time job which kept her busy. But Mishti couldn't stop but notice how Abir took care of everything, he was busy himself but he made sure to make Mishti feel comfortable. What she liked the most about him is his caring nature, he made sure to call everyone on weekends to check if everyone is fine, even though he didn't have a good relation with his mom but he always checked on her. She loved how he could give words to any feelings any emotion how he gave colors to thoughts in his paintings. But she felt that there's a little child in him who is scared who is broken, he never showed his vulnerability, she really wanted to know him more she wanted to share his pain. Even she didn't know why she wanted to know his pain why she wanted to make him happy, she just knew giving anything to him is less. Also one thing last few days was bothering her, suddenly Abir's behavior changed , he was doing everything to care for her but suddenly he was being little formal he was trying to avoid her a bit, she didn't see the flirty friendly Abir last few days. But she couldn't stop adoring this goofy, cute, caring, loving man.
Another month passed and there were many incidents when Mishti openly mentioned she liked so many things about Abir, she didn't mind sitting beside him or putting her head on his shoulder or even cleaning his bedroom sometimes. Everyone noticed the change and Naina was pleasantly surprised to see the change because she always felt Mishti would never know that she is in love. On the other side Kunal was little shocked to see Abir's behavior. He knew his Bhai really liked Mishti but suddenly what happened that he is acting so different. Why is he not reciprocating the admiration, what is he even thinking? Kunal really liked Mishti and felt she was perfect for his brother. So one day Kunal thought of asking his brother what's going on.
A:: Kunal, nothing wrong why are you asking me such questions? I'm not avoiding Mishti
K:: Bhai I know you so stop pretending and tell me the truth.
After pestering him for sometime Abir just couldn't hide it anymore. He told Kunal that few days back Mishti put a photo frame in her room. Kunal didn't understand what that has to do with him avoiding Mishti. Abir told him it's her family pic and told him to go check it out himself. Kunal had a look at the picture and came to his brother, he was not only worried but sad for his brother because he knew Abir had strong feelings for Mishti.
K:: Bhai what our family or their family did that's not our fault. Why should we suffer for their fault?
A:: Nanko, I don't know what to do? I don't know why it never came across my mind that Mishti Maheshwari was that same Maheshwari who has been our enemy for ages.
K:: but Bhai how long can we hide it and why should we suffer. Why should you suffer? Bhai I know you have feelings for Mishti and it's not new feelings.
A:: but Nanko what can I do? I don't want any problem I don't want any violence I don't want anyone to get hurt.
K:: so you are going to hurt yourself?
A:: pain is an old friend and you don't leave your friends behind.
K:: Bhai please stop it... I can't understand your poetic words. I don't even think the way you think and I can't see my brother in pain.
A:: Nanko please don't do anything that will make things worse.
K:: Bhai everything will get worse when you will hurt yourself and you tell me how would you feel when you will see Mishti in pain? You get worried if Mishti trips on her on slippers and do you think you will be able to handle Mishti's heartbreak.
A:: Nanko please promise me you won't do anything or say anything. I don't want any problem for both the families or Mishti
K:: fine I won't say anything but you also promise me that you will not force yourself to sacrifice anything. You will go with the flow and if you don't promise then you know I will do something.
A:: fine I promise
It was Mid of August when all the colleges had almost three weeks of summer holidays and for the new semester to start so Abir also took two weeks off and they planned to go for camping, Ashu and Zuby was also joining with them.
Naina was very excited as this was her first camping and that too with Abir Kunal and the group.
Mishti was excited too, she felt may be this holiday can fix things between her and Abir. As they have been busy with their work and everything and didn't get enough time. Not only that she also realized that she really likes Abir may be more than like and there's no point keeping it in her heart and suffering and at the most what can happen he will say no but no harm giving it a shot but she was not ready to suppress her feelings. All her life she did what everyone asked her to do and for the first time she took a decision for herself so she won't let it fail.
They were going for five days, at first they will stay three days in a camping site which had nice view and some facilities and next two days they wanted to go to a more remote place where hiking was more fun.
Everything was going fine, they were having fun, Mishti was trying to do everything for Abir, and everyone could tell that Mishti had feelings for Abir. Ashu and Zuby even asked him but he said it's nothing like that and she is just a friend. The more Mishti was trying to come close the more Abir was avoiding her, ignoring her. While doing some barbecue Abir by mistake touched the hot grill and burned his finger and Mishti tried to aide his finger but Abir yelled at her and said "I'm not a little baby, can you stop treating me like this? I can take care of myself can you please leave me alone?" he said it very rudely that too In front of everyone. All she could say was "I'm sorry" and she let him be. She didn't want to create a scene and stopped her tears and made it look nothing happened but she was hurt, she wasn't expecting something like this from him. Later that night Mishti sat in front of the lake all alone looking at the sky, she didn't know why her tears wouldn't stop.
Kunal was upset with his brother and asked why he behaved like that and Abir didn't answer he just looked at Kunal and said "it's best this way for all of us."
Kunal went and sat beside Mishti
K:: Mishti Di why are you hurting yourself?
M:: I didn't understand you
K:: I know Bhai hurt you today
M:: no kunal nothing like that, not at all. Actually Abir was right I think I was just acting weird
K:: no you were not but Bhai was
M:: no Kunal don't think like that, Abir can never hurt anyone
K:: but he did hurt you,
M::it's okay
K:: how long are you going to let him hurt you? I'm sure by now even you know things won't turn the way you want it to turn
M:: you know something. Before I used to expect a lot and then get hurt and slowly slowly I realized expectations puts conditions on your love so I stopped expecting and it's not necessary if you love someone, the other person should love you too. Just because I love him doesn't mean he has to feel the same for me.
Kunal just kept quiet because he knew how his brother felt but he is sacrificing his love to keep everyone safe. Their families are such rivals that it wouldn't bother them taking someone's life.
Next day they drove another few hours to reach the hiking spot which was way more remote and lil dangerous too. Today Mishti stayed away from Abir as she didn't want to ruin anything or anyone's mood, she had no clue Abir was hurting inside, he was in pain.
They all started walking through the woods and going up the hill, somehow the tall trees and the nature was very calming. They were picking wild berries and eating them, Naina was busy taking selfies but she was upset that there was no internet connection as they were in a place where it was hard to get internet connection.
Mishti was happy picking wild berries and following a butterfly which suddenly came in front of her. She looked around and suddenly she was all alone, she didn't realize that she was busy doing her own thing and they must've just took up the speed. She felt if she walked faster she will be able to catch up. She walked faster and faster but she didn't know that she took the wrong turn and the faster she walked the further she went from the group.
After almost half an hour of walking Mishti reached a spot where everything looked same and now she didn't know which way to go back. On the other side Abir was really missing having Mishti around and as he was leading everyone he turned back and asked where is Mishti. Somehow no one noticed that Mishti wasn't following them, they looked around she wasn't anywhere to be found. Because of no internet and no signal they couldn't reach her phone. Now everyone started panicking they were worried as it wasn't safe for her to be alone. Abir told everyone to keep walking and go the the spot they are supposed to go it's better they all stay together he will go find Mishti and meet them all in the meeting spot. He started walking back hoping to see Mishti walking slowly, he was angry with himself that if he didn't yell at her yesterday then this would never happen, Mishti was trying to keep herself far from him.
Now Mishti is scared she has been calling everyone's name, she was calling Abir but no one heard her voice. She kept walking aimlessly and suddenly she stepped on a broken log and got her foot stuck, she tried to release her foot but somehow she couldn't take her foot out. Everytime she tried it hurt her ankle and she didn't want to hurt her ankle in the process so she just sat down with her foot stuck and started crying. It was more than half an hour  Abir was frantically looking for her and there was no sign of her, he was worried because this place had wild raccoons and they can be dangerous.  Mishti cried so much that now she didn't even have the energy to move, her water bottle is also empty. She was feeling dizzy. Abir kept calling her and now he is feeling helpless, he is about to cry, so many thoughts were coming to his mind now suddenly he saw a small piece of cloth stuck in a branch. It was a piece from Mishti's scarf. He saw that and felt a big relief atleast some clue he found. Now he was calling Mishti as he walked towards the deep side of the woods. She was too tired and dehydrated she just did t have the strength to even stand up, all she needed was lil water but there was not even a single drop of water, she felt she was going to dry out of thirst. She lay there with her foot stuck and closed her eyes trying not to think of her thirst and fell asleep, she didn't even hear Abir call her name. At last after walking more than an hour Abir saw Mishti lying on the ground, he went running towards her taking her in his arms,
A:: Mishti Mishti!! Look I'm here common open your eyes. Please don't do this I'm sorry for yesterday please open your eyes.
She could hear everything but somehow just didn't have the strength to respond right away as she didn't respond Abir started crying and hugged her and now he couldn't see her face so he couldn't see she opened her eyes
A:: Mishti please don't do this I beg you. I can't live without you, I need you. I'm sorry for yesterday and for past few weeks, I'm sorry. I was trying to go far from you but I couldn't stop my heart. I love you Mishti I love you very very much.
Mishti gathered some strength to call out his name very faintly she called "Abir"
Right away he pulled her in front of him and when he saw she opened her eyes he just couldn't contain his happiness and kissed her.........

Hello my friends, sorry for late update.
Also I apologize to ShaPoo fans I haven't been able to start the story but I promise I will soon
Much love

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