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Lightning dust and Sunny glow are sitting on the branch . They are talking about the plan to take down the Wonderbolt . Lightning dust says" so we already killed Spitfire so the next target is Rainbow dash for ruining my life." Sunny says" we didn't our stupid friend put the box at the wrong place i seen it." Lightning  yelled" Again!!!" Sunny nodded. Lightning says" I swear to God after the end of this fucking semester am gonna kill Rolling thunder the mean girl wanna be no wonder why everyone treat her like shit." They both laugh. Suddenly they see Spitfire and the other about to go inside the building. Sunny says" they're back alive " . Then she quickly run toward them.

Sunny yelled" you survived ugh how?!!!" Rainbow look at her angrily  she ask" what the fuck do u mean?" Lightning says" we trying to kill Spitfire but Rolling put the box at the wrong place so Dash you are fool enough to open and wear it what an idiot or should I say moron." Rainbow yelled" no you are a moron now it's time to test the Rainbow. " Then a rainbow come out of her hand. Applejack says" no !!!!" She quickly slapping Rainbow . She yelled" AJ.what the hell!!!" Applejack apologize " sorry but we shouldn't fight in the building field with students " . Rainbow look around to see a bunch of people  walking and minding they're business. Rainbow sigh." Fine but only because I don't wanna hurt them unlike you who like to hurt people with no second thought as long as you get your end gold." Lightning mock her" yeah yeah whatever." Twilight ask" but I don't understand why you literally poisoning a dress you know using a poison is  illegal right?" Sunny says" ugh shut up you stupid  everyone  can here us you know ." Spitfire says" oh you know I can expose if I want to ." But Blue diamond come to protect his sweetheart  he push Spitfire away from the crowd .

They're at the commen room  Blue push Spitfire against the wall. He says" don't you dare expose me and my girl or else I will make your life miserable more then what you could imagine. " Spitfire shot back "  you filthy hypocrite you expose me for no reason at the Cafe and all of them are lies i always faithful to you while you treat me like shit. Tell me Dimond we were happy before and now what happened now you suddenly turn against me cheat on me and now you try to kill me what happened to us ." Spitfire has tear in here eye she can't believe what she just said. Blue diamond speechless it take a few minutes  for him to  says" because incess you didn't know after you write the song and sing with me it became a hit everybody love your voice to the point of my fan want me to collab with you in every album after this one.  So I have to do something to make you sad so you don't have to interfere with my career so deside to hurt you and ruining your life only cause that one song  in my latest  album am not allowed you to be more popular then me you don't deserve to sing or set foot in the music industry so I have to get rid of you you can't sing , dance or act your not talented . The day that you say we are done it's was the happiest day of my life. I totally fall out of love with you long time ago but if I be the one to call off people will be disappointed in me and I can play victim and blame everythingonyou"Spitfire look at him in confusion she have no idea what he's talking about  she says" ok boy let me recap . So there is a song we sing together in your latest album and everyone like my voice and it make you feel bad cause I start to became popular and you don't want it to happen so you shut me down cheat on me  and   say that i am a terrible girl who broke your heart   you motivation is confusing as fuck." Dimond snap " am completely done with your shit." Then he quickly squeeze her neck very heard. Everyone come to watch think it's  a fight Then someone slap Dimond 's head and he fell down.  The voice says" get away from her you had enough."  Dimond get back to his feet he shout" don't worry Wave she's not mine anymore ." Wave look at Dimond he is so angry like Spitfire never seen before.  Wave continues " don't you dare tough her you filthy evill little cockroach. " Dimond laugh" oh ho ho you week pathetic man what you gonna do hah what tell the teacher or something." Wave says" am not pathetic YOU ARE!!" He kick Dimond and fell down." Wave says" you lucky am not  drowning you." Silver  says from the stair" chill man I think his dead." Wave ask" wait did I just kill ?" Dimond says" no you idiot you just  made a serious injury in my nose leg everything hurt  ." Wave says" that's what I meant to do and save fiery lady from your cruel action ." Sunny says" oh my God what a gentleman I wish everyman is just like you." Then she give him a dreamy look. Everyone in the room cringe in  silence . Lightning dust says " Sunny just take your dumb boyfriend to the hospital wing am pretty sure he's is seriously injured.  Sunny  try to  carry her boy away but she struggle to do it . Lightning says" I think someone should help her." Rainbow says" you are her friend just go help her incess he is slowly dying  to be fair i wanna watch that." Twilight yelled" bitch shut up!!!" Lightning says" see dash even your friend is irritated at you." Twilight says" you too ." Sunny ask" nobody gonna help me right." Blaze says" calm down the injured will heal it self look he awake ." Dimond says" fuck you am gonna tell Mrs chill about what you did ." Wave says" and  i will tell um what your parents name ." Spitfire yelled" Colisto and Marinade but he call her  Mumu because she always dress like a  cow ." Blaze added "  and she  has a very big foot . Dimond sigh" I think i really need to go to the hospital   because am really hurt and completely done with you all stupidity ." Then he and sunny walk away. Blaze says" we are just stupid but you are fucking stupid."

Oh my what a hot mess. Anyway I don't know if you making this far but if you do am really appreciated it so I hope you enjoy reading this goddam story don't worry I'll end it soon.

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