Chapter 13

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"I'm her father.., I know what I'm doing"

*3rd pov*

After a while The Dreyer's father popped  up with sparkles around him

"Where is my darling daughter I hope she is excited to see her father!!"  Izu stated.

"Father Lucifer is over there. " Liam said while standing next his younger brother, Lucas

"hmmm will some tell me why she's passed out.." Izu said with a calm smile but his eyes told different. "Son in law bring my little princess over here please."

Rouge doesn't question it and walks toward Izu and gives her to him. "Thanks my boy.., princess it's time to wake up" Izu says softly.

By this time everyone is just listening and watching to see what the outcome is and wondering if the young girl will wake up.After a few seconds Lucifer groans and opens her eyes.

"daddy..what are you doing here" Lucifer yawns and looks around. "papa where is he?"

"Right here princess, Rogue here she wants you" said boy takes Lucifer back into his arms.

*Liam Pov*
Father looks like he wants to tell us something I wonder what it is he wants to say.

"Father.. is there something you want to tell us, you look like you want to say something" I said calmly

"Actually my son there is something I wanna ask.." with that sentence he grabbed everyone's attention "was my little princess behaving and I would like to invite you all to a little party for my three children"

"Father are you sure you wanna do this we just got our iden-" I cut him off "little brother what father says you understand"

"Yes brother I understand I'm sorry father for the talk back" Lucas said

"There was no talk back just misunderstanding no need to be so hard on him Liam" Father said .

"Papa.. who else is invited?" A sleepy Lucifer said

"Hmm I was gonna invite some people from fairytail only if you would allow it my sweet"Father said in a gentle tone. Everyone who knows Lucifer knows not to get her angry she is almost unstoppable unless Liu is there.

"Father shall I help with invitations and such?" I asked bored out of my mind.

"Can I help big brother papa" Lucifer questioned.

"Of course you two can give invitations to those you are friends with I can handle everything else.. oh Lucas can you help me with the cake?" Father spoke with care but also firmly.

"Yes father I shall help you" Lucas said.

"Great I'll take my leave now" he then turned to Minerva "if you try to 'harm' my child again I will make sure that no one and I mean NO ONE will hold her back.. you will meet you Demise one way or another.. bye my pretty princess and my sons" Father said in one breath.

"Bye Father/Dad/Papa!" We said at the same time.

"So can we know what just happened?" Rufus said confused.

"Well you'll see soon.... "


Nao: so here's the long waited chapter I was supposed to post some time ago

Lucifer: Nao you forgot Luna again...

Nao: who?.....oh OHHHHHH IM SORRY LUNA

Luna: mhmm sure you are , anyways Nao only owns me so far and she doesn't own fairytail night night beanie buddies
Chapter closed
Words: 553

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