(BSD OC) Allesa - Backstory + Synopsis

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Allesa is a 19 year old girl, with long straight black hair always tied up in a high ponytail, and blunt bangs ending right above her eyebrows. Standing at 5'4 she is quite small for her age, being as she's lived on the streets for the majority of her life. The reason for that is her ability, people are terrified of it. Her ability's name is "Black Widow'' she has a giant 8 legged spider living inside of her, which she is able to summon at will. In the form of the 8 legs sprouting from behind her back. At full power she can summon the beast itself by having it crawl completely out of her back, but not without causing her great pain. She can also summon smaller spiders that can be her eyes and ears, a good tactic for infiltration or spying on her targets. A bite from Black Widow or its smaller counterparts is fatal, as they are highly venomous. Allesa was forced to figure this out the hard way when she was young, around the age of 4, she was playing with the young spiders as she always did, when a few went off without her noticing. The small spiders had killed her entire family. Her mother, father, and older brother were found by Allesa herself shortly after. She ran away from her home and has lived on the streets ever since, not knowing what to do with herself. Always wondering if she would ever find somewhere to belong, until one late night where she discovered someone with a similar ability. Aktugawa Ryunosuke.

15 years ago

Allesa P.O.V

I giggle at the tiny spider crawling down my arm, it tickles, and the little baby spider is so cute! I feel a warmth in my back, and I can tell Black Widow is pleased, she always makes my back feel warm when I'm happy! She must be happy too!

The warmth in my back fades faster than it came, leaving me confused. Then I hear shouting coming from the living room, "Honey! what are you saying? You trying to tell me we should kill our own daughter?! She's four years old for crying out loud!" My mother yells, unaware I can hear her.

"For christ sake woman! No! I'm just saying that we can't keep her here! She's dangerous! Have you seen that THING inside of her?! It'll kill all of us and then her!" I cock my head to the side a bit, not knowing what all of this means.

I can feel Black Widow becoming agitated, maybe she knew what this meant? At a low whisper I attempt to calm her. "It's okay spidey! They're just yelling! They do that a lot, you know that." She calms slightly but I can still feel her anger. The small spider I was playing with disappeared, without my noticing, I just shrug and summon another, I love playing with the baby spiders! They're always nice to me and crawl in circles on my arms. It feels funny.

"Mom, Dad, please. She's in the other room, she can hear us! Can you please not talk about that here?" My older brother says, with a slight worried tone. I love my brother, he's so cool! He sometimes plays with the spiders with me. I tell them not to bite him and they listen to me! It's so awesome!

"Son, please, go to bed. It's late. Your freak of a sister is probably playing with those spiders again, tell her to go to bed as well would you?" My father says, clearly mad about something. Freak? What does that mean? I heard my dad call some guy with dirty clothes and messy hair that once, we were walking down the street after getting ice cream! I thought he looked nice, maybe that's what he meant!

I hear shuffling in the living room, then a shriek, which startles me. "Fuck! One of her spiders bit me! Get it off!" My mother yells, and after that I hear more shuffling, it's louder this time. "Ow! One just bit me too what the hell?!" Coming from my father.

I frown, I thought I told my spider babies not to bite people? Why are they doing that? I look at the one in the palm of my hand and point at it. "Hey! You be nice to Mommy and Daddy, they love me!" The spider taps it's legs on my hand and scurries up my arm, making me giggle again, already forgetting about what just happened.

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